🖤"Maybe there is something wrong with me"🖤

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After the fight with Mila the teachers came and took me to Dumbledore's office for a lecture "now miss Y/l/n why did the fight start"? Mrs McGonagall asked. "Well Mrs I was talking with my friend Eddie when I looked over and saw Mila and her friends whispering a pointing at me so I figured I will go confront them while at the same time telling Mila that Eddie want's to break up with her bc she is toxic which he asked me to do btw, and once I told her then turned away to go sit back down I heard someone walking behind me so I turned around and she slapped me". "So this all started from you breaking up with her for your friend Eddie"? McGonagall asked I nodded my head "ok then what happened"? Dumbledore asked "then I looked at her and punched her in the face and then she hit me and it went on and on then two people grabbed my arms as I had her pinned down and was about to hit her, then they lifted me up off of her and sat me down till I calmed down and now we are here" I said looking at the teachers. "Okay so she hit first"? Snape asked "yes sir" I replied looking at him "well then she should be punished she hit miss Y/l/n first therefore she caused the fight to break out" Snap said looking at the teachers. "We will work it out later miss Y/l/n you may leave now" Dumbledore said as he looked at me "thank you teachers" I said as I walked out. As I was walling down the hallway I saw the bowers gang bulling someone as I got closer I heard what they were saying to them "Fucking queer" "Fairy" "fag" it was a whole bunch of homophobic slurs and as I started walking closer I realised who they were saying it to. Richie. Once I realised who it was my blood boiled and I walked up to them "well well well if it isn't the bullies of Slytherin. Bowers gang" I said with a straight face "Hello doll what brings you here"? Henry asked I then looked at Richie then back to the bowers gang. "I'm here to tell you guys" I said pointing at the four boys bulling my friend "to fuck off and leave the boy alone" I said standing in front of Richie and facing the bowers gang. "And why would we listen to you huh slut"? Patrick said with venom in his voice I thought for a moment the looked at Henry "I'll tell your dad that your bulling me" I said with a smirk knowing he is scared of his dad and the reason his dad would be mad at him for bulling me is bc he wants us to date but I keep saying no. After I said that to Henry he looked at me with a scared face then back to the other three "C'mon let's leave them she probs just wanna root him" Henry said as he walked away laughing with his friends. I turned to Richie and looked at him "You okay Rich"? I asked making him look at me "Y-Yeah I'm F-Fine" he said between sobs. I pulled him into a hug and wrapped my arms around his neck his head on my chest "shh it's okay let it out love" I said is a soothing voice. And that's all it took for him to break out in tears after a few minutes I spoke up "Do you wanna go somewhere private to talk about it"? I asked pulling away from the hug looking at him he nodded is head and I grabbed his hand and we walked to the library and sat in the back off it. He then started to vent about everything from his home life to the bulling everything and I sat there and listened "Maybe there is something wrong with me" He said as he looked at me "I mean everyone else has a pretty normal life, why can't I"? he said looking back down at his hands and every time he spoke my heart broke. "I wish I had your life your popular, have a rich family, not to mention a nice one and your perfect at everything" He said looking at me "Richie I'm nowhere near perfect and I may have a rich family but they aren't as nice as they seem" I confessed causing him to look at me. "What do you mean"? he asked me I then rolled up my sleaves to show some bruises. His eyes opened in shock then he engulfed me into a hug "See Rich I guess we all have secrets about our lives we don't tell anyone" I said with a sad smile that he returned. "Oh btw don't think I haven't noticed" I said with a smirk "N- Notice what"? he asked his voice shaking "Your little crush on a certain wheezy" I said with a smile as Richie looked away with a blush. "W- What do you mean you notice"? He asked still not looking at me ? "Oh c'mon Rich I see the way you look at him" I said nudging him "Okay fine you caught me"! he said as he covered his face with his hands. Just then the bell rang signaling for out next classes as we got up and walked to the door I turned to Richie and said "oh btw Eddie likes you too" I said as I opened the door and walked out smiling. 

Little did I know someone heard me talking abt my home life and would soon use it against me.

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