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Part 2

You slept in bed all day, your body was exhausted from the events of last night you just need as much rest a you felt you could get.
Your dad surprisingly didn't come home last night but you didn't care it wasn't anything new, you were just happy to be alone.
Night came apron you sooner then you thought. You woke about about 9pm, extremely hungry you got out of bed and left for the kitchen. Everything was just how you left if so you could tell your dad still hasn't made it home. You warm yourself up left overs and headed back to your room to eat.

Your heart began skipped a beat when you entered through your door, a familiar thick aura filled your room. So strong it was as if it was too thick to breathe in the air around you. Your room light was on but the aura that filled it made it dark. You were absolutely terrified but you couldn't help but be curious. You slowly stepped inside, your eyes scanned around your room. Nothing seemed to be in sight but you could feel it, he was near.

"Gyutaro?" You called out softly.

The moment you spoke his name the aura in the room lifted. It was gone within seconds and the air was back to normal.
"he's gone?" You thought yourself and you walked further in and went over to your unopened window. You pulled it up and looked towards the woods the covered you backyard. It was light but you could fell that same presence still lingered from a distance. You left your window opened and walked away to sit down on your bed to sit down and eat your food. You couldn't explain why you felt the need to leave your window open but you knew it was because it was your way of inviting him in.

Night after night you felt his presence, you began holding conversations as if he was there with you. Telling him about yourself and things you liked and asking about him and what he liked. Telling him about your stressful work days, speaking about your dad your mom, even about your past romances where you always left after giving up your body. You told him about anything and everything that came to mind. Some days you felt like a complete moron for talking to yourself. You couldn't explain how but you knew he was here, you knew he was watching you. Crazy to try befriend something nonhuman who tried to kill you but you couldn't help it, you were drawn to him the night you two met.

The more he came the more comfortable you got, his aura wasn't as menacing as before, you could sleep peacefully even without knowing his intentions with you, without knowing if one day he'd finally kill you. Nights were the only thing you looked forward to, it brought you some sort of unexplainable happiness. Peace from your reality. Your dad came back home two days after you two fought and his anger was worse then before. You avoided him at all cost. Working longer shifts to avoid coming home when he was still awake and leaving extra early before he woke up.

Having to go back to work with a sore body from your attack and working harder then before was taking again another toll on you. You needed a break. Just one day. You came home earlier then usual  you knew your dad was going to have something to say but you didn't care, you were too tired to. You walked through your door with your head low, surprisingly your dad wasn't home. It was a weight lifted off your shoulders knowing that you could come home and not be yelled at. You walked in your room locked your bedroom door behind you and passed out on your bed, not bothering to even get under the blankets.


You woke up to a loud thud to you door being kicked in, your vision still hazy but you can see your dad march over to you. He grabbed you by the ankles and aggressively snatched you off the bed onto the floor.

"I said no locked doors!"

You sat up and crawled back against you wall as you watched him rummage through your things.

"Where are you hiding it!"

"Hiding w-what, I don't have anything of yours?" You responded confused. You hoped like hell he didn't find the stash of money you were saving to move out as he tore through all your belongings but sadly that's exactly what happened. Not in a well hiding spot at all he pulled a box from under your bed and opened to find exactly what he came looking for. You hopped up and charged at him grabbing onto the box.

Demon slayer: Akaza X Fem reader one shot. "Thief In The Night."Where stories live. Discover now