Bora's mess of a confession (But Yoohyeon wouldn't have it any other way)

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Except... Handong and Yubin have been together for two years now so confessing again would make things very awkward, especially considering how it's a party for Yoohyeon and Bora...

Well, we can always ignore the last, unimportant part.

Anyways, the only problem with this scenario – except the one we already pointed out – is how Bora is a great cook... yet a horrible baker. Usually it's Minji who bakes the dessert and Bora who makes the main dish. Regardless, Bora has learnt from Minji... so what could go wrong?

And... we get back to the "story" now.

Bora thought of the 3 scenarios in her head, 2 if you don't consider the dumb one that author decided to add in for more words in her story. She knew the third scenario was the preferred one so she went for it.

She stood up from her seat abruptly, her 4 year abused chair still holding despite the powerful push, and strutted towards her kitchen. She opened up her YouTube and watched random baking videos on cooking... cookies... and got to work.


To say she had a lot of trial and error is an understatement. She ruined her million dollar kitchen, lost lots of baking supplies, and possibly burnt 10 batches of cookies before making a reasonably... "good" one.

Now comes the challenging part – as if the other part wasn't challenging enough – was writing the letter.

She had had it all planned before, but now that it came to the real thing, her head had gone blank. What was she supposed to write?

'Hey, I'm Bora, but uh... you already know that, haha. I like you, might even love you, and wanna go out on a date with me? 'Cause what's a bacon without it's egg, right?'

That was until... we all realized that Bora accidentally wrote it down as she thought of what to write. Well, that's sad. At least she captured her soon-to-be girlfriend's height correctly – describing her as the bacon.


Morning had finally come, so had the annoying flocks who kept gawking at her as if she ruined their day.

Bora stood at Yoohyeon's door, the batch of cookies and her letter in hand. She hadn't known how long she'd stood there but she watched Gahyeon past her and give a wink – as if the latter knew what she was about to do.

She skipped along and laughed at Bora's bewildered expression.

"Do it, coward," Bora muttered to herself – degrading herself into pep talk.

She finally moved forward, pressing her point finger against the round door-bell. Her hand shook, making the doorbell make a loud buzzing sound. She, immediately, took her hand away and held it against her chest – afraid she militarized a bomb about to explode.

Then followed a loud bark, objects falling to the ground (that Bora couldn't identify, but it definitely worried her), something breaking, and a 6 ton weight falling directly behind the door.

Bora, who was frozen in spot, couldn't leave the cookies and go in time. Watching the door open with a loud creak, she found Yoohyeon... on the ground... with a vase broken behind her... and her dog barking loudly.

Gosh, this woman was more of a mess than she was, and, weirdly, this gave her more confidence.

She crouched down, the batch of cookies left on the floor, and stretched her hand out to assist the big doggy.

Yoohyeon smiled towards her direction, making Bora almost faint on the sight. Bora smiled at her, her smile infectious as anything she's ever seen. Her heartbeat was erratic and she wondered if the girl felt what she did as well.

Yoohyeon finally stood up-right.

"Please ignore the mess behind me," She retaliates, "What brings you to my humble abode?"

Bora, who was star struck at the cute visuals, completely forgot her note, and blurted out her intentions.

"Will you go on a date with me?"

Yoohyeon froze, wide eyes present on her face as Bora panicked with what she had just said.

"I- I mean if you want to! Not that you have to! Oh God, no! Uh- you can decide, of course. I don't want to pu–"

She was quickly cut off by a pair of lips, laughter vibrating through it by the other one. She was amazed, staring into Yoohyeon's eyes after the kiss was over. She wasn't sure if she was glad it was over or needed it to be longer.

"You were rambling," Yoohyeon pointed out, taking the cookies from Bora's hand and holding her, "Come in."

And although Yoohyeon invited her in, it was her who pulled her inside her house as well. Bora was dazed throughout the whole time, the pressure on her lips still lingering.

She looked at Yoohyeon, unaware of the couch she was seated on, and hastily asked, "So you like me too? Like, you wanna date me too?"

Yoohyeon, who had a cookie in her mouth, smiled and nodded, "Yea, I like you. And, well, you're stares aren't very subtle, you know?"

Bora blushed – which was a hideous, rare sight for the older woman – and scooted next to Yoohyeon.

"Good, then we're dating now," Bora firmly said, trying to mask her affection, and hugged the girl tightly, "You're stuck with me now, hehe."

Yoohyeon smiled at the words, resting her head on the tiny woman.

"You're tiny," Yoohyeon muttered into the side-hug, "I like it."

"Yah! How dare you! I'm not tiny, you're a tree!" Bora shouted, covering the red hue on her cheeks and nose.

"Yah! I should've written you're a tree not a bacon!"

Confessions and cookies - SuyooUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum