5. Spoken Words

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Cuphead POV


I shot up out of the covers. Where was I?

A Bird in a nurse uniform came over to me.

    "OH Mr Cuphead, You're awake!"

I was still In a daze. How'd I get here..? I was quickly snapped out of thought as a loud voice boomed into the room.


It was a rabbit nurse. The chick seemed to know her.

    "Nurse Fanny? Is there a problem?"

Whatever was up with this nurse, made her visibly annoyed.

    "Come here shit head!"

She walked over and took a fistful of my shirt. Seriously, what was up with this lady?!

    "What's the deal lady?"

The other Nurse followed behind attempting to calm the rabbit.

    "Nurse Fanny please be nice..."

This Nurse 'Fanny' dragged me to what seemed to be another hospital room. Opening the door wide she threw me inside.

    "You don't just throw trash here! You're supposed to come back and pick it up!"

I was very confused. Trash? Pick it up?

That was when I heard him. The voice I had missed so dearly these past few days, the worst days of my life.

    "Cup! W-where have you been? I thought you left me here forever!"

I got to my feet in record time and ran over to Mugs, tripping on my way there. I balanced myself and held his face in my hands.

    "You're r-real right?"

Mugs' face shifted from relief to pouty.

    "Don't talk to me, I'm mad at you."

I completely ignored him, I had to know that he was real...

    "I I'm n-not going crazy right? I can s-see you, I can touch you.."

Mugs finally looked at me again.


He was real. He was here, in my arms. I kissed his face all over, I couldn't believe he's alive...

We'd been hugging each other for a while now. Mugs was hugging my waist while I held him.

I started to think back as to how I got here. I don't recall what happened too well.. I was just running after... I don't know.

Nothing mattered for me to care anyway.

I hugged Mug tighter. He reached his hand up and stuck it into my hair.

    "Awww, you're so fluffy!"   

I giggled as he ruffled my hair.


Cuphead POV

We were both discharged from the hospital. I was helping Mug walk around, no matter how many times he said he was fine, I barely believed it.

    "You sure you don't need to rest more?"

I was double checking for god knows-th time.

    "I had all the rest I needed while you forgot me here! Hehe."

It kinda hurts to hear Mugs keep saying that...

    "Don't joke about that Mugs. I went through the worst days in my whole life without you.. And all the time I just couldn't forget about you even if I tried.."

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