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"Don't you think it's cute how we celebrate the [Earth] finishing a lap around the sun?" - Sparkle Poffinlots

Its funny how many times we forget that what we're living on isn't stationary, that our Earth is rotating around it's axis at 460 meters per second, that the Earth is orbiting around the sun at 30 kilometers per second, that our whole solar system is moving about the center of the Milky Way at 220 kilometers per second, that...

One rotation of the Earth takes 1 day. One cycle around the sun takes 1 year. One complete orbit around the center of the Milky Way? 230000000 years. And even our galaxy isn't immobile.

In essence, although we might return to the same place in space with respect to the Earth in a day, and we might return to the same place with respect to the Sun in a year, we're almost guaranteed never to return to the same place in space with respect to the Milky Way, or beyond.

So even though this year's May 1st is actually in a place far, far away from last year's May 1st, we can still pretend that the Earth successfully completed another orbit around the sun.

Congratulations on completing another lap. 

Happy Birthday Siri!

Dear Siriजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें