Demon of Intimacy

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He showed me I'm more than my body. That love can be shown through warm touches on your cheek to wipe away the tears that fall. The hyper awareness of your partners interests and making it even more special for them. That love isn't just sex but the connection as he holds you under the sheets. Mesmerized by the very presences of you in the room as if the stars were taken into one person. He showed me what intimacy past the body is. He showed me that beyond my expectations of what love can be there is for more things I deserve in the world. Like the subtle touches in passing where your heart yearns for another even if they're right next to each other. That love is looking at someone and finding safe harbors in their presence. That love is more than my body and what I was told to be

I fell in love with the demon of intimacy, King Asmodeu.

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