"I would like you to escort Y/n to her fathers kingdom and bring her to him" She spoke with such confidence. "Yes my Queen" he said as he bowed again and offered his hand for me. I grabbed his hand and he started to lead me to Mazellia.

"Soooooo hows it going trying to talk to that baker?" I questioned the axolotl guard, Sir strawberry turned pinker then he already is at the mention of the guys name he's been trying to talk to for awhile now.

"Y/n! You can't just ask questions like that out of the blue!" Strawberry spoke as he was trying to compose himself. "Why not, I'm interested in your pathetic love life" I spoke with my usual sarcasm.

By now we had made it to the center of town passing by the food stalls and all the jewelry stalls, "PRISTINE PRISMARINE! GET YOUR PRISMARINE!" A stall marketer yelled, "it's quite busy today, don't you think Sir strawberry?"

"Yes it is indeed you princess, probably because of the festival your mom has been planning." He spoke looking around and moving me so people didn't bump into me as we walked. 'Oh yes my mother always goes over the top with her festivals, saying they bring so much joy'

"Ah yes that would be correct" I softly spoke, we continued walking until we came across a certain stall, I know it was important because Strawberry stopped and froze when he saw it. I got a closer look and realized that this must be the bakers stall.

"OMG IS THAT THE BA-" my voice couldn't finish its sentence for my mouth was covered my Sir Strawberry's hand. "Yes now please be quiet"'he asked as he slowly removed his hand. "Fine" I spoke sarcastically with in eye roll.

We continued to walk until "Good morning Sir Strawberry!" A cheery voice spoke we turned to see it was the baker, Strawberry froze and started to turn bright pink, though you couldn't really tell because he's already pink.

"Oh- u-uh hi Kai" Strawberry tried to get out, "aren't you excited for the festival? Truly is fascinating!" Kai spoke excitement coursing through his veins. He was looking around the market when he finally took notice to me.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry I must've interrupted, I truly didn't mean to" Kai frantically spoke, "oh no your completely fine" I said as I waved him off, "uh-erm we need to head off now" Strawberry said, "oh! That's alright have fun" Kai said as he walked back to his stall.

I was in shock, "WHY DID YOU SAY YOU HAD TO GO!" I screeched at the older male, "because we do, I need to take you to your fathers kingdom not sit and chit chat" he said as we continued our way to the boats. When we got there a captain was already there, we hopped on and started our journey to my fathers kingdom.

"Still I could have waited you dumb bit-" I was cut off when Strawberry gave me a look, "whatever" I said as I rolled my eyes and turned them to look at sea that seemingly stretches on for miles and miles.

"We're here my lady" the captain said, now that I looked at him I realized he's an older man but I could tell he had a kind soul, a heart made of gold. "what is your name sir?" I questioned as I inspected him further, "o-oh my name is Arthur Kelp, your highness" he spoke as if he was scared on what I was going to say.

"Well Arthur Kelp you seem like you know these seas very well is that true?" I questioned, "u-uh yes" he answered shakily "then you would make a fine royal sailor....if you choose to accept?" I said as I looked at him, "o-oh that's an amazing offer your highness, are you sure you want me?" Mr.Kelp questioned "nonsense if I wasn't sure I wouldn't have asked" I said as I waved him off.

"So will you accept my offer?" I asked, "yes your highness you don't know how much this means to me and my family!" He said as I could see tears start to brim his eyes. "Come by the castle in two days at 6:00 am sharp, I will inform them of your job and they will tell you everything you need to know" I said with a smile and with that I started my way with Sir strawberry behind me to my fathers palace.

As we were walking for what felt like eternity, Sir Strawberry spoke up "We're here your highness" he lead me to the palace doors as a maid opened the door she saw us and ushered us inside and we headed straight to the throne room.

I knocked on the door when I heard a "come in" from the other side, I walked into the room to see my father and Uncle Jimmy talking. "Hello father, Uncle  Jimmy" I said as I gave them both a bow of respect. 

"MY FAVORITE NIECE!!" Uncle jimmy yelled as he ran up to me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm also your only niece" I said as I pulled away. "How's my little girl?" Dad asked as he ruffled my hair, "I'm good, but I was wondering if you wanted to go to the fields and try to teach me to fly again?" I asked.

He sighed "Y/n sweetheart I would love to but I have a lot of work" my smile quickly fell "oh, that's okay! I know your a busy man" I spoke while I put a smile back on my face. "Here" he said as he handed me some money, "go buy a pony or a horse, think of it as an early, early birthday present" he said with a smile.

I looked at my father as he walked away with Uncle Jimmy then back at the hand that had the money, I sighed and let go of my smile and made my way to my room I have in my fathers palace.

I placed the money in a jar which was now filled to the top and placed it with the other 27 jars full of money. As I looked at them my eyes began to well up with tears, I looked away and grabbed the necklace k forgot I had on and traced over the designs.

'Man I really wish he would stop doing this' i thought as I sighed and grabbed a book from one of my bookshelves.

Whew ik its been a long time but IM BACK AND HERES A NEW CHAPTER!
I hope y'all liked it and I have a few questions
Why do you think Lizzie is really hosting a festival?
What does y/n mean by she really wishes he'd stop doing this?

We'll to find out keep reading.

Minty rose signing out!

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