Michael,and a fight to the death?!

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Isabelle pov

I was walking to the entrance of the camp. When I see a random person.

M: Ah! Hello,you must be the new camper.
I: Mhm.
M:Well I'm Micheal son of Athena. And you are.?
I: I-I'm Isabelle d-daughter of Hermes.
M: Ah. So there's a trial of Aries starting so your gonna have to come.

Oh well.. I guess I'm gonna fight.

《After the fight cuz I lazy》

I got 2nd!? I almost won! HOW DID I GET  2nd?! This is lame. The lamest.

C: oh,hi.
Oh god. No. Why do the gods spite me.
I"hello. I'm Isabelle."
C: Hi Isabelle I guess we're siblings then.
I"yea. I guess."

And then I left. I went to find a cabin,when I found the perfect cabin right next to the sea.

I miss Mitch. Mitch is the son of Poseidon the king of the seven seas.
We used to see eachother all the time,in the pixie lands. The pixie lands is where I grew up in.

I do wonder though. Is there another child of Hermes?

Did dad purposely leave me in the pixie lands. Did he only want 2. Did I look weird.



The first chapter. Done. Thank you for reading this. This very short I know.
Anywhoozles bye.

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