Brainstorming Possible Endeavors

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Below is the conversation we had on the LOL35 chat thread. Captured here. I'll start separating this into different parts when we get the ideas gelled up a bit more.


@NicoleCandySLV #1390

There was a group of writers on here that created their own collective Wattpad profile. The profile "followed" everyone in the group and the profile had a "reading list" dedicated to each member of the group.

That might be kind of fun to do for LOL35. That way I could follow the "LOL35" profle and keep track of what all the ladies in this thread are doing (because you could also post links to their stories). :)

Not saying Shalon needs to do this... just a thought I had when I saw the other group formed. Thought I'd post it here before I forgot about it... which happens now that I'm older.... ;)

@SarahNixy #1423

I think @NicoleCandySLV profile idea is excellent.

@VeryLoy #1430

@NicoleCandySLV Re the group profile - I used to (still do, in fact) belong to a group similar to this called the Unofficial Wattpad Senior's Club. All the regulars had the password for the account. It was very active and a lot of fun in its day but most of the members seem to have moved on

@AnnWrites #1435

@VeraLoy Ooh back on facebook we had this tandem story group called Arbitrary Romance. All the members were admins, so nobody knew who was posting what. One of the girls thought I was a certain guy that she had a crush on, and I was hitting on her with the romantic bits I posted. After she shared her suspicion I went a bit overboard and she figured out I wasn't him.

@NicoleCandySLV #1443

@VeraLoy Yes! Something like that profile is exactly what I was thinking. If I saw LOL35 (I always read that "laugh out loud 35" btw) show up in my notifications... I'd know it was more news and updates from you lovely ladies. ;)

@VeraLoy #1517

@shalonsims Re a LOL35 profile - I don't know if you saw my earlier post but the USWC used to run competitions for members and readers, as well as being a chat forum. The competitions were a lot of fun.

There are a couple of other 'club' profiles on wattpad which run competitions - @CupidsCorner - Romance, @ForbiddenPlanet - Sci Fi and I think there are a few others too. for fantasy, history etc

Definitely worth considering.

@MorrighansMuse #1518

@shalonsims@VeraLoy What if it's an account to promote each other and feature each others' stories? Collectively that would be of benefit to everyone in the group, I guess. One of the things to consider finding a way to incorporate @ShelleyBurbank 's interviews on there as well.

LOL35 EndeavorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora