Chapter 1: Zombrex 1

Start from the beginning

I looked at her. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

She simply responded. "Zombrex. Don't worry, I won't say anything." She then walked up to me. "I know who you are, and I knew you were infected. Though I don't remember you saying anything about that in your book."

I responded "Well, that's not exactly something I'd go around advertising."

She turned around to face the monitors. "There's a pharmacy. In the Royal Flush mall. I'm Stacey Forsythe by the way." She offered her hand.

I shook her hand. "I'm Frank, Frank-" She then cut me off. "Frank West. Plenty of people know you."   

"Do you know a way outta here?" I asked her. 

She sat down and simply responded "No. But if you find one, I suppose you take this. That way we can keep in touch." She handed me an ear-peace.

I put it in my right ear. Stacey then said "There's closed circuit cameras all over the city. These monitors are playback only, I'll keep an eye on them." I then grabbed a map of Fortune City. I looked at it. "And Frank... if you find anyone alive out there..."

I put the map away in my pocket. "Sure. I've got, uh, a little experience rounding up survivors." I said before walking outta the room.

(y/n) pov:

I wandered around the Safe House for a little while. Before I heard a loud thud. I then heard "You can't keep Frank West bottled up." I then saw Frank go through a vent. I followed him.  I then saw him walk towards the exit into the mall. 

I got out of the vent and yelled "Wait!" Frank then turned around to face me.

"What do you want, pal?" He responded. 

I felt slightly nervous, I quickly responded. "I-I never got your autograph or anything back at the arena." 

He then said "I think you're a bit late for the autographs, kid."

"Pretty please...." I practically bagged him. 

He sighed "Fine." He responded.

I approached him with a picture and pen. He then signed "Fantastic! From me to you, Frank West." on my picture

He handed me back my picture

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He handed me back my picture. I was trying my best not to fanboy over this. He then turned his attention to my camera. "You a photographer, or something?" He asked me. 

I looked up at him. "Y-yes sir!" I said to him. 

He then asked me "You gotta name, kid?"

I was trying my best not to jump up and down with excitement. I calmed down and responded as calmly as I possibly could. "(y/n), (y/n) (l/n)!" I offered him a hand to shake. 

He shook my hand, his touch sent a pulse of energy through my veins. "Well, it was nice to meet you, (y/n). I gotta go."

Before he went, I spoke up. "lemme come with you!" he stopped and turned around again.

"I really don't work well with others-" Before he could finish, I interrupted him. "Come on! I promise I won't cause you any trouble. Cross my heart and hope to die." I tried to persuade him.

He took a second to think to himself then he looked at me again. "Fine, you can come along. But stay close and don't get in the way. Deal?" He said.

I nodded my head "Deal!" I said with a warm smile. We then cut up to the maintenance room. And Frank got a call. He put in his ear-peace and said "Yes?" I then heard "Frank. I found a travel browser for Fortune City. Right now you're in the Royal Flush Plaza. Roy's Mart is on the other side of the mall." He then took off his ear-peace and we got to another door. We then went through, to see zombies practically flooding the whole mall. We cut past them and through the mall. We stumbled on the exit to Fortune Park. We then turned left to see Roy's Mart. We entered.

There were about three looters, one had a crowbar, one with a tomahawk, and one with a flashlight. 

They were picking the shelves clean

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They were picking the shelves clean. Frank and I looked at them. "Fantastic..." Frank said to himself while we hid behind one of the shelves. 

The guy with the crowbar started banging on the counter. "Hey! I know you're holding out on us! Where's the money, where's the safe?!" He then grabbed the lady behind the counter by the arm. "Come on! Don't lie to me!"

The lady simply but panicky responded. "We don't have a safe!"

The looter then said while raising his crowbar to hit her. "Don't... lie..." Then Frank and I came outta hiding. "Hey. Don't you have something better to do?" Frank asked him. 

The looter looked at him. "Why don't you mind your own business, old man?" The looter replied, annoyed. 

Frank then just said "Exactly what I'm doing. We're just here looking for some meds."

The looter let go of the lady. "Well you're definitely gonna need some painkillers when I'm done with you." He patted his crowbar on his hand.

"Well talking to you is giving me a headache." Frank insulted the looter. 

"Oh yeah? How about you and your friend give me some money, and I'll go get some for you?" The looter with the crowbar said. Then the looter with the flashlight spoke up. "Yeah, give us some money, grandpa. We'll help you out." The looter with the tomahawk added on "How about it, grandpa? You got any money?" 

Frank and I stepped back and one threw a Molotov at us. We rolled outta the way and split up. The looters with the flashlight and tomahawk came after me. I grabbed a shampoo bottle from the shelf and sprayed it in the looters eyes, causing him to hold his eyes screaming. Then the other guy took a swing at me with is tomahawk. I dodged it, and grabbed his arm he was holding his weapon in. I sprayed him in the face burning his eyes too. I then took his weapon and hacked his leg with it. Then I took the other guy's flashlight and hit the tomahawk guy in the head, knocking him out cold. Then I took the other guy's head and rammed it into the counter. Frank took the guy's crowbar and hit him in the head with it, shattering his skull. He did the same with the flashlight guy. Frank tossed the crowbar down. 

Now with all three looters down. We walked around then Frank saw something at the corner of his eye. He kneled down and grabbed the key. He then looked at the door and walked in. There was a Zombrex and an orange juice. Frank grabbed the Zombrex and I grabbed the orange juice. We then talked to the pharmacist, and she joined up with us. We lead her back to the Safe House.

We got back and got outta the vents. Sullivan was at the vents, standing beside me and Frank. Raymond asked us. "Were on earth did'ca find em? Never mind, I don't wanna know."

I responded to him "There're still more people alive out there."

Sullivan looked at me. "We can't afford to have any infected." He walked up the stairs. 

I then heard a beep coming from Franks watch. It was seven. He then took the Zombrex and injected himself in the neck with it. He grunted slightly. Then he took it out and exhaled. "That should last for now..." He said.

"What about the next dose?" I asked him. 

He looked at me. "You let me worry about that. Okay?" He responded.

I nodded as we went into the cafeteria. 

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