0 ~ Prologue

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"Off With Your Head!"

Yuu had quickly grown accustomed to hearing that phrase, even though it was only the first week of school. As soon as Riddle Rosehearts became Housewarden, he rapidly took to correcting every Heartslabyul student's behavior.

She'd quickly taken to memorizing all of the Queen of Hearts' rules (a grueling but very beneficial ordeal); after all, the entire dorm was based on the Queen's strictness. And it was a good thing she did—so far, she'd managed to avoid being beheaded.

"Good morning, Housewarden," Yuu greeted as he entered the lounge where she was eating breakfast. "Good morning, Yuu." Contrary to popular belief, he would actually respond if one were to greet him. He was strict, but he wasn't impolite.

As soon as he left the room, whispers filled the air. Of course everyone would be gossiping about the freshman who'd managed to become Housewarden in less than a week. And the fact that he seemed to be able to beat every challenger of his added even more fuel to the flames.

"Mind if I sit here?" Yuu looked up to see to whom the voice belonged. It was the Vice Housewarden—Trey Clover, if she was remembering correctly. She nodded, not wanting to speak with her mouth full, and he took a seat.

"It's Yuu, right? How are you liking Heartslabyul so far?" he asked in a genuine tone.

She let out a soft laugh. "It's not that bad. In fact, it's pretty tolerable."

"But it's not good," he speculated, raising an eyebrow.

She shrugged. "Could be better, could be worse. I've taken an interest in the Housewarden, though, I have to say."

"How so?" Trey seemed sincerely curious.

"I mean, who wouldn't be interested in a freshman who moved up the ladder as quickly as he did?"

He laughed in response. "You do have a point there."

"Also," she continued, "it's interesting watching everyone trying to dethrone him. I'm wondering what would happen if I challenged him with... different methods." She wiped at her mouth with a tissue, having just finished her breakfast.

Trey had turned his body to face Yuu, an indicator that she had his undivided attention. "Enlighten me."

She glanced behind him, taking note of the red-headed Housewarden who'd just returned from whatever he'd been doing. A smile rose to her face. "Perfect timing!"

Yuu grabbed the milk tea she'd been keeping to the side. She stabbed the straw through the lid and shoved two sugar cubes inside while reciting, "Rule 339: a post-meal beverage is to be lemon tea with two sugar cubes."

"But lemon curdles milk..." Trey stared at the yellow drink cautiously.

"It's artificially flavored~" she sang with a grin as Riddle walked over.

"Yuu. Are you aware of rule 339?"

"Yessir," she responded. "I'm complying perfectly well with it."

His brows furrowed and he crossed his arms. "That doesn't look like lemon tea."

"It very much is lemon tea and Vice Housewarden Trey has witnessed me putting two sugar cubes in," she explained, smiling saccharinely. Trey pursed his lips and averted his eyes, not wanting to get involved.

Riddle's face was already heating up from the obvious provocation. "If you don't believe me, would you like to try some?" Yuu pressed him further, holding up the drink to his lips.

At this point, they'd garnered the attention of quite a few students who were watching the scene unfold before them.

"I'm quite alright," he scowled. "However, that's not the tea that's spoken of in the rule."

"Oh, but isn't it? I only recall rule 339 stating that it had to be lemon tea with two sugar cubes."

"It's clearly speaking of herbal lemon tea," Riddle hissed, his cheeks flushing deeper shades of scarlet with every passing second.

She raised an eyebrow tauntingly. "What's causing you to make such an assumption? Isn't that discriminatory against milk tea?" A few snickers rang throughout the room, only causing Riddle's temper to flare even more.

"...Trey, is this a breach of rule 339!?" Riddle exclaimed, causing Trey to flinch in his seat. "Uhhh..."

"Forget it!" He yelled, turning on his heel and heading for the door.

"So you agree that I'm complying with the rules~?" She called after him.

He stopped in his tracks and turned his head to look behind him, face completely red. With a quick hand motion and a loud "Off With Your Head!", Yuu was swiftly collared.

"Aww, but Housewarden, I didn't do anything wrong!" She jibed, making him clench his jaw. He stomped over until they were face to face and glared threateningly.

"I do not take lightly to insults like this. Next time, there will be no warning," he growled before tapping the collar on her neck, instantly removing it.

She didn't call after him as he walked away this time, knowing when to stop. Somewhere in the room, someone started to clap for her, causing the room to erupt in applause.

"Which rule should I bend next~?" She laughed, taking a sip of her tea. Trey glanced at the door where Riddle had just exited from, saying something she couldn't quite catch.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Are you planning on dethroning him?"

"Absolutely not—I could never beat him in a fight. But he seems like he'd be fun to be around!"

"You think so..." Trey couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yeah," she grinned, stretching her arms behind her head. "I'm definitely planning on sticking around him."

Sugary Sweet (Riddle Rosehearts/Yuu)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat