vlog time⚡️

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Nick's pov

"hey guys! we don't really have a plan for today, so we're going to vlog the next few days & it'll be wednesday's video, but i promise that friday's video will be a car video!" i said on our group tiktok account. Chris is with me in the kitchen but he's making his own tiktok's. Matt and Emily are still asleep. "hey Chris can you grab the camera and meet me outside of Matt's room" i ask him. "yeah" he says as he walks away to get the camera, i start leaving to head to Matt's room. i wait 5 minutes as chris is coming to me with the camera, "here" he says as he hands it to me. "thanks" i say back. he just nods

"hey guys! so today's video is going to be full of random ass shit honestly. nothing is really planned, but today we do have a few things to do, but first we have to wake up Emily and Matt" i say to the camera. "chris can you open the door please" i ask him as i try to fix the camera to face the door. "yep" he says opening the door.

"okay guys we're in Matt's room- chris" i whisper shout, "what nick?" he said looking up from his phone and entering the room, "look- they're cuddling" i say to him with a smile on my face. "i told you- they like each other" chris says to me, "they're in denial" i say to him laughing, "should i take a picture?" he asked, "yes. do it" i answer back. chris takes a pictures of them. "they're so cute" chris says back as he looks at the pictures he took. "alright guys now to actually wake them up" i say turning the camera to me. "emily, matt, wake up guyss we're vlogging!!" chris says shaking the two awake, Emily groans and covers her face with her hoodie sleeve, "come on love birds, let's go have fun" i say to them. "emily come on let's get up" Matt said to her, "i don't wanna" she says as she starts holding Matt again, "we can go get breakfast" he says trying to get her out of bed, "chocolate chip pancakes?!" she questioned, "yes lyns. chocolate chip pancakes." Matt reassured. she groand once again and gets out of bed. "okay guys, we got emily outta bed" chris says with a smile, "ONLY because Matt said we could get chocolate chip pancakes" emily said smiling and rubbing her eye

emily's pov

"do i even have clothes here?" i asked as Nick pointed the camera at me, "good ques-" chris try's to get out before he got interrupted by Matt, "yes, top right hand side on my dresser" Matt says to me as he puts his hand on his face. Nick's jaw dropped, "Matt why do you have her clothes here?" nick asked. "she always ends up leaving in someone else's clothes" matt says with a small laugh at the end. "so you keep it here?" Chris asks, "yes i wash and fold it, its full of her jeans and shirts, her hoodies are also on the right hand side of the closet" matt says as he sits up. "nick is speechless" chris says as he see's nick's jaw drop again. "thank you matt" i say to him with a smile. "of course, i got you covered" he says to me happily. "nicolas is baffled by this" chris said laughing. Matt and i laught at nick's facial expressions after what just happened. "alright boys get out while Matt and i get ready" i said as i walked to the dresser. Chris takes the camera from Nicks hand. "this kid" Chris said starting to laugh again. "Chris drag him out" Matt said laughing as he was getting out of bed.

Chris grabs Nick as they head out the door. "BE READY IN 20 MINUTES GUYS" Nick yells. "OKAY NICK SHUT UP" Matt yelled back as i go to close the door. "how'd you sleep?" Matt asked as he started to look through his drawers, "pretty good, how about you?" i say rubbing my eye, "good too" he says as he looks back at me. He smiled at me, i smiled back. he turns away and starts to look for something to wear. i break the silence,

"what exactly do you have of mine?" i ask him, "in the drawer i have some of your t-shirt's, with some of your jeans & then in the closet i have some of your hoodies, all things you've left behind, OH! i also have a few of your hair clips in the night stand drawer" he said as he grabs a one of his Ransom t-shirt.

okay now i'm the one who's baffled.

"okay i have my outfit, i'll go change in the bathroom, & you can stay here & get ready" he says to me.

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