Time {chapter 6}

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Izuku practically ran past the shelves of the library. How he managed to read the titles nobody knew.

Iida and kirishima did there best to keep up.

"Izuku if you could just tell us what you're looking for."

"Found it!" Izuku interrupts Iida's attempt to intervene. He pulled out a large well read book. Taking it over to one of the tables.

"The Heroic Tales of Sir Horitoshi, The All Might." Kirishima read off the cover. Izuku opening it and clubbing through the book skimming through the many passages.

"Izuku what could possibly be in this book that's so helpful?" Iida asks. "It's all over exaggerated stories. Some of them even are completely false"

"Found it!"  Izuku cheered pointing to a name written in the book. "Sir Hirotoshi called for the help of a prince by the name of Aizawa. A dear friend, and one of the only known swoardsmen that could match the great knight in a duel." He read aloud. "The prince is a king now! He's friends with The All Might. Or was at least."

"Okay that's cool." Kirishima says with a grin.

"Sure it's fascinating. But how is it going to help?" Iida asks.

"There was a stand alone book about The Prince Aizawa. My copy got ruined before I ever finished it. So I don't know how it ended." Izuku says. "But maybe it can give us a clue to what's really going on."

"Do you know what it was titled?" Iida asks.

"I know it had his name on it. Something about a flower- and a prophecy I think." Izuku says scratching the back of his head

"Alright we'll let's get to searching!" Kirishima says. "Don't wanna be here all day."

"Oh there's no way we'll be here all day."  Izuku says shaking his head.


"Wha!" Izuku shot up not realizing he had dozed off.

"Prince Midoriya I highly suggest heading to bed. It's getting late."

"Late?" Izuku turned too see the sky was dark and the moon was high in the sky. "Oh goodness.. and we didn't even find anything.."

"It's okay Izuku. We've got time. We'll just continue the search tomorrow."

Izuku sighs. "Do we have time? I mean how long can we stay here before the princess gets tired of me? Or realizes I'm not interested and throws me out?? I can't just abandon this mystery."

"We'll figure out a plan of attack in the morning." Iida says. "I'm sure we can think of something."

"Okay.." the prince huffed in defeat. He was exhausted wether he wanted to admit it or not. "I'm gonna go to the garden for some fresh air. I'll meet you two up in the chambers." Izuku says.

"Are you sure your majesty? Leaving you alone is ill advised." Iida says.

"I'll be fine." He insisted "I just need to be alone for a moment." Izuku says before leaving the library to head out to the garden. His body guards watching him as he left.

"Should we?"

"From a distance. We don't want to disturb him. But I don't trust this place. We can't let him out of our sights."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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