I despise family reunions -Violinist

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"You died." Asra interrupted my rambling. I looked down at the grass.

In the 9 years I've been dead and doing Death's bidding I've never told anyone what happened to me, but the tone in Asra's voice made me want to tell him.
It was a mix of pity, concern and curiosity.

"I.. Yes. I drowned when I was ten." I looked at my gloves, pure gold, well, it looked like that, I'm not sure if they're worth anything.
At the top of my sight I saw Asra sit on his knees in front of me.

I glanced up to see them frowning with pity.
I don't want his pity, I don't even know why I'm telling him.
"Death he.. He never explained why he picked me out of the thousands of other souls coming through, but he.. I guess he helped me, for a price."

"The price being? It's alright if you don't want to tell me." I shrugged. I'd already told him so much, why not ruin it further?
"Well, one of them is that I do his bidding in the human realm, things he can't do himself cause y'know, he's stuck in his realm.."

Asra smiled and nodded.
"And? I've got a feeling that's nog everything."
Before I could answer there was some ruffling under his scarf. A small purple snake poked it's head out from under the cloth.

Asra looked down at the thing and smiled.
"I'm sorry, this is Faust." The snake, Faust looked at me shortly, then ducked back underneath Asra's scarf.

"Not good with cold temperatures." Asra explained. I nodded.

Asra was silent for a moment, then started chuckling.

"Nothing, it's just funny."

I raise an eyebrow, "what is?"

"I know a shit load of personal stuff about you, but don't know your name. I know Death called you 'Angel' earlier, but that sounds more like a nickname." I crack a smile.

"It's Mallach. It means Angel, that's where the nickname came from." I explain.

Asra nodded, still smiling.
Honestly I'm happy that his snake interrupted our earlier conversation.

I stood up.
"I'll be fine now, let's go inside." Asra shrugged and also stood, rubbing his pants to get the dirt off.
"You got something in your hair." He said, reaching out to me.

My hair, if loose, reaching almost down to my knees, just a few inches above. I raked my hands through it, getting some grass out, but Asra giggled and shook their head.

"Here let me help." He took a step toward me and pulled a small piece of weed out of my hair.

"Wow.. gods, I need a haircut." I muttered.
Asra chuckled and took my arm.

"Well, let's go dead boy. His majesty is waiting."
I manage a smile.

"Wait-" we were right in front of the palace now, the doors only a few feet away.
"What will you tell the count? Or the guards. We can't exactly have a random guy walking around the palace without explanation. Especially not now."

I think for a moment, Asra's right, of course.
Then an idea springs into my head.
"My violin. You said on our way here that Lucio was planning a party? A.."

"The Masquerade. It's a yearly party he throws for his birthday." I nodded, smiling.

"And I'm guessing he invited numerous musicians? To play during the party." Asra now also smiled.

"Yep. But.. one problem, won't he know who he invited?" Shit, he was right.
I thought for another moment.

"One of the symptoms of the plague is memory loss." A voice I didn't know spoke, from right behind me.

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