Dorian smiled and he put on his glasses. "We are good enough friends for you to call me Dorian, just don't tell my boss that." Dorian chuckled a bit

Josie nodded "so Dorian, how's the kids?"

"Since when are you interested in talking about my kids?"

"I just don't feel like talking about me today and obviously I rather talk about you.. cause once you get to talking, you just never shut up." Josie admits as she rolled her eyes

Dorian sighed "so, how's things going with your dad?" He asked changing the subject.

Josie groaned "I actually haven't talked to my dad in a while, he hasn't come to see me after the whole finding out Landon was in love with him thing."

Dorian nodded and wrote some stuff down. "What about Landon, have you talked to him? Got your closure?" Dorian asked

Josie raised her eyebrow "what do you mean? I don't need no closure from him." Josie crossed her arms.

Dorian scratched the back of his head and sighed. "You need this closure, if you don't talk with your dad and you don't talk with Landon then you could never let yourself see how you feel about Hope, obviously we keep going over the same thing over and over but you just keep saying the same excuse."

"You think that me not knowing how to love myself is just an excuse?" Josie scoffed.

"I'm not saying that, all I'm saying is that loving yourself is the key and the first priority but you aren't going to never love yourself. Landon, and your father are the damages for your mental health, they are the blame and that's why you need closure, because you know that deep in your heart, you still haven't forgiven them and you can't move on with life if you're still stuck on the past."

Dorian took his glasses off and placed them in his lap. "If you're stuck in this past, then all you see is your old self and you hate yourself for letting them take advantage of you and ruining somewhat of your life, so please Josie, trust me when I say that you don't hate yourself, you hate the idea of your old self, I'm sure you've grown more in this past week then in your life with toxic people constantly walking over you."

Josie knew that Dorian was right and she knew that she needed to get some type of closure but what would that even be? What could she want from her father or Landon, that makes her supposedly hate herself.

"I'll get my closure." Josie muttered before taking out the paper that Dorian gave her last session. "I didn't get to fill this out, I've been busy with school and practice." She says as she hands Dorian the paper.

"It's okay, we can fill it out together," Dorian assured before he grabbed his pen. "So, Are they someone that understands you?, in other words, does Hope understand you better than anyone that you know in that category."

Josie took a minute before she smiled. "Yea, she understands me.. she understands my glow and she understands what I want in life, she's the type to force me first than her last." Josie admits.

Dorian raised his eyebrow "I've grown befuddled of your sudden word choice, what does 'she's the type to force me first than her last' mean?" Dorian questioned.

—"well, she's the type to make sure I put my mental health above all, she wants me to succeed no matter what and she would never get in the way of that."

"I suppose Landon wasn't the type to do this?" Dorian questioned.

Josie shook her head "don't do that.. don't compare them in anyway—they're nothing alike.. nothing."

Dorian nodded "you may think so, but everyone has a type, you may not see it yet, or you may not know what's your type but they must share something in common, which leads to the next question Do you see your life with them? (Do you share almost the same goals?), meaning, do you want to have a future with Hope, the future that was made up in your life with Landon, I know you don't want to talk about him but you have to face reality, there's not a question here that doesn't revolve him just as much as Hope." Dorian explained.

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