School hottie

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I wake up slogged then usual I get up and get ready for school I didn't even feel like talking to anybody "Man I hate school" I brush my teeth and head out

"Uh kid-" I walked out the door before I heard him I groggly enter the train


I wake up to a noise and see Sojiro making Y/n's bed I sit up "Woah seems the other one is finally awake" he says I rub my eyes and see Y/n is gone "Where's the dark haired one: i say weirdly he chuckles "he's at school" my eyes go wide "ah shit I'm gonna be late" I rush to put on the uniform "Well ill be going" sojiro goes down stairs and I change and rush out the door

I tap my foot aggressively its the day where Y/n is having to present his self to his class so I gotta be there

I'm so God damn tired school sucks ass I open the door and sit in my desk and settle my head down before homeroom starts
"Y/N! Wake up!" I look around with blurry vision I groggly rub my eyes the girls giggle and boys grunt at me for some odd reason Ren just sighs "huh what happened" I heard a projectile coming straight for me I catch it before it hits me "Woah there" everyone claps Ren gives thumb ups and chuckles the teacher grunts in defeat "Ahem anyways transfer student please come up in front" a sweat drop appears on my face like three and I nod and head up there nervous "Please Introduce yourself" i nod slowly

"My name is Y/n L/n and I hope we get to be friends till the very end!" I said bowing the girls went into full cheerful  the guys smile thinking ill be a great best friend but I got a stare i don't from where but I just felt it

Timeskip by a jealous Ren

I unpack my lunch ready but "Hey Y/n wanna eat with us?" I think about and look at Ren and Ann talking I sigh "Sure I'd love to!" The girls smile i smile back they formed table with the desk we all sat and ate "So Y/n got a question?"I raise my eyebrow "ask away" I say eating the short brown haired one tapped her chin "So I heard from teachers you originally are from America?" I nod and pass the food down "Well yeah I got enrolled here (I gotta lie)" I said smiling and drinking my water

"Right!! I'm Azuri" the short brown hair girl said I smile "Nice too meet you Azuri the other girls we're red as a tomato "right the black hair longed hair one is Rika the blue short hair one is Akira!" They nod and finally handshake with me the bell rings and we trade numbers "Heyy Y/n let's be friends" Rika says smiling i give thumbs up

Ren in the distance

"Uhhh Ren you ok???"

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"Uhhh Ren you ok???"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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