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Maybe this would turn out all for the best.
An arranged marriage.

Her parents had went through the same thing, having only met each other a week before the wedding, they'd turnt out to be perfect for each other. Nora and Jerry Adams had been married twenty-eight years now with four loving kids: Tommy the oldest, Naomi and Niomi the twins and lastly, her, Niola Adams.

"Just keep an open mind, babe," her best friend, Mona, encouraged her. "Your grandfather wouldn't let you marry an egomaniac, self absorbed asshole."

Niola couldn't help but laugh at her friend's choice of words. She felt herself relax a bit. She was just overreacting.

"But what if he doesn't like me? You know black guys are intimidated by us successful black women. Its like a threat." Niola said pacing back and forth the room.

Mona grabbed her hand and pulled her down to the couch.

"Babe, you are a beautiful, and a young sophisticated black woman." Mona looked into her eyes. "Any man would be a fool not to live you."

"Then why didn't Shane?" She asked reference to her her last boyfriend.

"Cuz' Shane Perryman is a dumb nerd," Tommy said coming into the room. "Don't think about that douche, sis. Besides, I think your husband just arrived."

"Did you see what he looks like?"

"Yes." Tommy said simply as he sat down flipping through the channels.

"Well, do I have to beat it out of you, Tommy." Mona threatened.

"I can't say, I promised grand mama I wouldn't. She's down stair with him." He said settling on ESPN.

Niola rolled her eyes at him.

"What if this guy thinks am to fat, what if he's one of those exercise freaks that controls everything in his life." She said.

"Stop being so paranoid and relax, babe." Tommy said.

"Easy for you to say, you saw my husband before I did."

Wait, Niola stopped herself mentally, did I just called this man my husband, what if he hasn't even thought of me like that at all. What if to him a--------- being paranoid Niola.

"Come on sis, we'll go down with you." Tommy stood up. "Just keep an open mind."

Niola frowned at his comment but dismissed it anyways.
Niola felt her nervousness grew. She was always nervous about things, she hated that about herself.

She stood up with a shaky breath. She faked a smile at the two before they all headed downstairs.

An Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now