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      The sun was warm in the clear blue sky, not a cloud was seen. Beautiful, Niola thought as she stared out at sea. So far kalem had taken her to an old Medieval museum, the park and now they were heading to the beach.

She tried keeping herself busy while they rode, she ignored the tingling sensation that flooded her every time his fingers brushed against her bare leg.

It was torture, he'd give her one of those killer smiles that flashed his dimples and had her swooning. Be was teasing her she was sure.

She wondered what it will be like, making love to him. Every soft touch of his hands on her bare legs, her stomach, her breasts, her lips.

"I'll give anything to know what's going on in that beautiful head of yours."

Niola blushed stopping her train of thought. She shrugged unbuttling her seat belt realising they'd reach.

"Nothing interesting," she bit on her bottom lip. She felt nervous, he frowned at her, his eyes on her lips, his pupils dilated.

"I can't help but want to tear of your clothes every time you bite your lips."  Kalem said with pure lust.

"Maybe I'd like that too," Niola said softly. Her heart racing.

He pulled her into a miss.
It was unlike the first two times. This kiss was demanding, possessive. He pulled her out of her seat unto his lap.

He bit on her bottom lip and sucked. His tongue entered her mouth and clashed with hers. All the while his hand was traveling up her thigh, pulling her tightly against him. She was aware ag the budget in his pants.

"I want you so bad it hurts," he says as he kissed down her throat. Niola swallowed.

He broke them apart at the sudden knock of something against the car.
Niola shifted and felt cold metal brushed against her leg, instinctively she looked down.
A gun.

"Am sorry, I always walk with my gun." He apologized.

"It's okay," she bursted into laughter. "I'm used to seeing guns, my dad and brother."

"Ever held one?"

"No and I think I'll ever  be in a situation that requires me too." She shrugs.

"Ill teach you just to be safe." He took in a deep breath. He stared at her, smilled softly. "Come on, lets go find a good spot away from the crowd."

She smiled getting off him.

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