There's no turning back

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It was now 7:45 and Steve was in the comfort of his own home watching a movie with Robin and Nancy. The kids were going to be here soon. They had set out some snacks for everyone because he knew that everyone would be starving by the time they got to his house.

A sudden banging was coming from the front door when Dustin let himself into Steve's house, with Mike, Will, Eddie, and Lucas following not far behind.

"I would like to welcome everyone to Steve's giant house!" Dustin said as he strolled on in pretending not to see Steve glaring at him for walking in suddenly.

"Damn Harrington your house really is huge" Eddie said in aw as he looked around. Steve watched as everyone was going over to the table in his kitchen to start setting up.

"Hey nerds, how long is this gonna take?" Steve asks. Then only response he gets is everyone glaring at him. Probably because he called them nerds.

"Oh I'm sorry my King, I didn't realize you had such a busy schedule" Eddie said, grinning. Steve could only roll his eyes at him glancing back at the TV. The ends credits were rolling on the screen as Robin was looking through a box of VHS's to try and find a new movie and Nancy was helping her. They ended up going with The Breakfast Club, as they said it was 'a fun movie to watch while the children were busy'.


It was about 4 hours into their campaign and you could tell that almost all the kids were beginning to fall asleep. Eddie took note of this and decided it would be best to round it up.

"Alright King, we're done so we'll be heading out now." Eddie said as he packed up everything.

"Uh first of all no. Nobody will be going anywhere in the middle of the night. You all can and will just stay here for the night" Steve said, starting to act like a mom.

"You sure about that Stevie? It's. a lot of people." Eddie replied

"Positive. I'll go get some blankets if you can just guide the kids to the couch." Steve said as he left to get some blankets and pillows from upstairs.

Steve came back down to not only find the kids all passed out, but Robin and Nancy as well. They were both snuggled into one another on the couch where they had been previously awake.

Steve put a blanket down over Nancy and Robin, and then one over each of the kids lying in the floor. Then all that was left was him and Munson. wow lucky me. Steve thought as he looked at Munson, who was honestly looking pretty tired as well.

"Hey Munson you look pretty tired man, you should maybe get some rest to" Steve said looking at Eddie

"Yeah yeah mom I will, but there is one problem, where am i gonna sleep?" Eddie said

Steve looked around realizing that there was no room for Eddie. The kids had all taken the couch and the areas around it, and then Robin and Nancy had a blow up mattress next to couch.

"You can sleep in my room if ya want" Steve said.

"Damn Harrington I didn't know you were that straightforward" Eddie said smirking as Steve was blushing

"Shut up Munson. Do you wanna sleep or not?" Steve said looking away to hide his (incredibly) red face. In response Eddie just put his hands up and followed Steve up the stairs.

"Alright here's my room" Steve said as he opened the door to his room. They both walked in and Steve closed the door behind him.

"Oh closing the door? Do you intend to do something to me Harrington?" Eddie said smirking again. He couldn't help himself, Steve was just so fun to tease.

"Shut up Munson" Steve said as he started to take off his yellow sweater and unbuttoning to top few button of his polo. Eddie followed shortly after taking off his vest and some jewelry he had on. Both the boys were now only in T-Shirts and pants as they awkwardly stood there silent waiting for the other to say something.

"Well I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed" Steve said walking past Eddie to his bed.

"Same here" Eddie said as he climbed into Steve's bed. They both layer in awkward silence for a little before Eddie spoke up.

"Do you ever get nightmares?"

"What do you mean? Of course i get night ares Munson."

"No, I mean like about Vecna and the upside down"

"Oh. Um yeah I do, what about you?" Steve said quieting his voice down.

"All the time man. It's kinda annoying actually. Like i just can't stop thinking about that day that I almost fucking died and how much Dustin cried. I just feel bad for traumatizing him like that and making him hate me." Eddie said.

"Hey Munson dude, that kid looks up to you so ducking much, I don't think that you could ever traumatize him to a point where he would hate you. If he hated you, you would not be at my house right now and he would have quit Hellfire." Steve said now turning to face Eddie. Eddie did the same thing and now the two boys were facing each other.

"Thanks man, that actually means a lot to hear that, especially since it's coming from king Steve." Eddie replied.

"You have got to stop calling me that, it's a terrible name" Steve said.

"Fine, but instead can I call you Stevie then?" Eddie said smiling.

"Fuck no" Steve said as he pushed Munson, trying to knock him off the bed.

"Hey!" Eddie said as he pushed Steve back. They continued to push and shove each other until somehow Eddie ended up on top of Steve, hands next to his face and his knee between Steve's crotch. They both later there for a second, before Eddie got off of him apologizing continuously.

"Alright well goodnight Stevie" Eddie said turning over to face the wall"

"Night Eddie" Steve said turning to lay on his back.

word count: 1045

a/n: hello again! i hope you are enjoying what your reading so far! i am quite a busy person so i don't know how frequently this will update but i'll try to update as soon as i can!

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