Chapter 11: Spyros vs. the Sinisters Three

Start from the beginning

Overtron: "You two, will help me destroy these Spyros. If you want to return to your world."

Gaul: "Fine, but I wanted to destroy that Spyro." Pointing at Tlos Spyro.

Ripto: "Well, I don't know what's going on but that Spyro is mine." Pointing at Reginated Spyro.

Overtron: "Choose one, I don't really care which Spyros you take."

The villains bring their weapons, and the Spyros ready their fight of their own. The Spyros take on their arch enemy but it seems like they are not good at fighting them.

Spyro: "Guys! I needed help here!" While battling Overtron.

Reginated Spyro: "Little busy here!" While battling Ripto and dodgine from spells attack. "But I need backup!"

Tlos Spyro: "I'm kinda battling an old enemy here that I defeated before!" While battling Gaul.

Gaul: "Before? I have never been defeated before!"

Tlos Spyro: "And you will again!" As he blasted his lighting at him but hit Reginated Spyro instead. "Sorry!"

Reginated Spyro: "I'm okay...." As he gets up and continues battling Ripto.

None of the Spyros aren't strong enough to defeat them, as Overtron unleashes his powers on all of them.

Overtron: "None of you, Spyros, can't defeat us. I now have the powers of the Portal Master which granted me to open any villains from every universe that I can bring to create my army. And nothing can't stop me!"

As he was about to unleash again, Tlos Spyro uses his Earth elements to stop him from doing it. It causes an explosion which blined the villains, and they do not know where the Spyros are. The Spyros hide somewhere where they do not know what to do.

Reginated Spyro: "What the heck is going on out there? I keep yelling at you, Spyro 2!"

Tlos Spyro: "I know, but I thought you were Spyro 2."

Reginated Spyro: "What? I'm not Spyro 2."

Spyro: "Stop arguing, both of you! Listen to Spyro 1." As the Spyros stop talking and listen to him. "Look, we're clearly not very good at this."

Reginated Spyro: "I know, I know. We suck. I don't know how to work as a team."

Tlos Spyro: "Me neither."

Spyro: "I do. I've been in a team, okay? I don't wanna brag, but I will. I was in Skylanders."

Tlos Spyro: "Skylanders?"

Spyro: "Yeah..."

Tlos Spyro: "That's great."

Spyro: "Thank you."

Tlos Spyro: "What is that?"

Spyro: "Wait, you don't have the Skylanders?"

Reginated Spyro: "Is that a band? Are you in a band?"

Spyro: "No, I'm not in a band. No, Skylanders is like "Skylanders Unite!"

Tlos Spyro: "How's this helping?"

Spyro: "Look, it's not important. All we gotta do is focus, trust your ego and coordinate our attacks. Okay?"

Tlos Spyro: "Yes. Okay. Let's pick one target."

Spyro: "Right."

Reginated Spyro: "We take them off the board one at a time."

Spyro: "Now, you got it." As he then gave each themselves a number. "Spyro 1, Spyro 2..."

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