Chapter 9: Spyro, Spyro, Spyro?

Start from the beginning

Eruptor: "It is him!" As he then calls for him. "Spyro! Over here!"

Spyro points at himself thinking they are talking to him.

Jet-Vac: "Yes, you! Come here!"

Spyro hurried to meet them, as they were happy to see he's alive. But when he got closer, their faces became confused, as he, what they weren't expecting, came through revealing he's not what they think he is. They backed away terrified and confused, as the Spyro was trying to calm them.

Reginated Spyro "Whoa! Whoa! It's okay, I understand what you're seeing."

Jet-Vac: "Who are you?!" He asked.

Eruptor: "And why do you look like him, with the same colors and the same dragon, but different?"

Reginated Spyro: "Okay, okay, I know you guys are scared or confused why I look like Spyro, because I am Spyro."

This confuses them more as they do not know what he meant; he's Spyro.

Pop Fizz: "Okay, I do not know what that means you are "Spyro."

Reginated Spyro "I know, I know, this is confusing. But I have one question, does this world have your Spyro with you?"

Stealth Elf: "Yes...."

Reginated Spyro: "And does he look different then me?"

Eruptor: "Yeah, he does look different then you."

Reginated Spyro: "I.... I knew it." As he was happy and surprised. "I'm in another universe where there is another Spyro who looks like me."

As he was surprised to be here, the others were confused why he looked alot like Spyro.

Pop Fizz: "Am I dreaming, or I'm seeing Spyro here with us?"

Stealth Elf: "That can't be. Unless...." As she figured it out. "Remember when Wizbit smashed the vial containing the darkness within, I think it must've affected our universe and have accidentally pulled him into our world."

Eruptor: "So wait, it pulls that Spyro into our world?"

Crash Bandicoot: "Well, if she's right, then we have the Spyro in our world." As he then speaks to Reginated Spyro. "So, Spyro from another world, why are you here?"

Reginated Spyro: "Well, I heard that Spyro is alive. But somewhere...."

Cynder: "He's alive? Where?"

Reginated Spyro: "I do not know, but he's alive because I think I felt his presence somewhere."

Hugo: "So, that means I open to the wrong Spyro."

Jet-Vac: "Maybe try again until we find him?"

Hugo: "If you're right, come on, Glumshanks. Let's do it again."

They both focus on finding Spyro and try their best to open a portal to him.

Hugo: "Find Spyro, find Spyro, find Spyro....."

They waited for another portal to open but it opened behind them. They notice it behind and look, but to notice that someone behind and came through it. And it was another purple dragon but different.

Glumshanks: "I guess we need to work on our portal appearance."

Sprocket: "Yeah, you two should." Then she faced the dragon. "Who are you, and where did you come from?"

Tlos Spyro: "Sorry, I came through that portal behind me..." As he looks back, it closes behind him. "Seems like it's gone."

All of them were confused about who he was, as Stealth knows he is.

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