Chapter 3: The Ancient Place

Start from the beginning

Flynn: "Yeah, yeah, and we got here early. Never be late. So, who wants to ride on my ship?"

The cadets wanted to ride his airship and wanted to go to the place, and Team Spyro were aboard ready to go there.

Master Eon: "Now, Flynn, you know where this place I'm talking about, do you?"

Flynn: "Yes, I do, Eon. I know where that place is. I travel around Skylands visiting every island around. So, do not worry about me and these cadets." As he starts the engine.

Once it starts, he pulls the lever forward and the airship goes back causing everyone to fall, and he stops not meant to do that.

Flynn: "Heh, heh, sorry. Not what is supposed to happen." As he pulls the lever back, and the airship goes forward.

The Dread Yacht flies to the place Master Eon talks about. As an hour passes, they arrive and see new floating rocks and lands with structures filled with large fields. The cadets were amazed and saw how beautiful it was, and Spyro's friends were surprised with their eyes, as the ominous tone went on.

Pop Fizz: "Wow, it's even brighter with an ominous sound." As he listened.

Then it turns off, which is Master Eon who did it.

Master Eon: "Sorry, I just wanted it to be ominous. I have it on whenever you all look directly at it. But here is this, the place."

Everyone continues staring at this place, as Flynn lands next to an isle. Everyone got off, as Master Eon introduced the place.

Master Eon: "Let me introduce the place, "M.A.P." As it means "Mysterious Ancient Place."

Jet-Vac: "Mysterious Ancient Place?" Since when have you never told us about this place?"

Master Eon: "Well, it has been kept hidden for a long time. This island served as the home of the Ancients and where they created all of creation, with connections to places all over Skylands. And now, it has become a place where you can do anything."

Spyro: "So, you come here all the time, how long have you been here?"

Master Eon remembers, as a flashback, when he was taking a vacation in summer. Then snap back, and Master Eon was ready to give a tour for the cadets.

Master Eon: "Now we're all here, let's give a tour. I remember that place is filled with falling rivers and...."

As he continues on where to see, the cadets scatter to see everything, and he still complains about it.

Eruptor: "Uh, Master Eon....?"

Master Eon wasn't listening as he then moved forward talking.

Stealth Elf: "Should we get his attention?" As she tells the others.

Spyro: "He won't notice. Besides, I think the cadets need some "Spyro's actions."

They have no idea what he meant but they join in to find them. As they were away, Eon's still babbling.

    In Dragon Realms, Nina, Zoran, and their friends have found more dark crystals, and Aurora is destroying them to prevent them from spreading. As she still keeps going, she sees Nina and Zoran not very happy.

Aurora: "You two seems sad. Is there something wrong?"

Zoran: "It's nothing."

Aurora: "Come on, I see you two have something that's keeping you back."

Nina and Zoran look at each other, and tell her.

Zoran: "Well, it starts with our father. He's jealous.'

Aurora: "Jealous? For what?"

Nina: "Ever since we saved the Dragon Realm, everyone in Skylands cheered for us. They saw how we saved the day and how we made friends with the Fire Birds. And everytime our father and his friends fight villains in Skylands, no one cheers for them. It's like father not liking us taking their spot as the new Skylanders. We really wish we hadn't been stealing their thunder."

Aurora: "Hey, I know what it's like when taking someone's thunder. Well, for me, of course. But what I understand is that your father may be a little jealous because he and his friends are elite Skylanders. He is just trying to help his friends to be happy and want them to be together. Because being a Skylanders is what they do."

Nina: "If we knew that, then we could've just stopped saving. If we can be young."

As she then sings from her memory of herself and her brother when they were little with their parents.

"We are young. We are young and free. We are young and free. We are young and free."
"We are young. We are young and free. We are young and free. We are young and free."

"When I opened my eyes this morning I felt hopeful. For the first time in a while. And I said to myself not to let it slip away. No not today, not today."

"I put on my bravest face. And say what I have to say. Looks can be deceiving. I am not angry, just awake."
(Just Awake)

"We are young and free."
"We are young and we are free."
"In this moment we are..."
"Raise your voice and say your piece."
"From a whisper to a scream."

(We are young)
We are young and free. We are young and free. We are young and free."
We are young. We are young and free. We are young and free. We are young and free."
"We are- We are the restless ones that dare to dream." (We dare to dream)
"We are- We are the wide eyed ones who still believe."
"We are- We are the wildest fire this world has ever seen."
"We are- We are- We are- A fire burns in you and me. Let's live reckless for a while. We are young and we are free."
"We are young. We are young and free. We are young and free. We are young and free."
"We are young. We are young and free. We are young and free. We are young and free."

With the music stopped, Nina made her point.

Nina: "So whether you understand or not, I wish we were young again for them to be heroes again."

Aurora sees it, as Nina rejoins her team to continue one find the crystals. Somewhere else, a dark minion spots them destroying the dark crystal. It reports back to the Darkness, as he sees it the crystal is being destroyed.

The Darkness: "Seems like we're not the only ones who are searching for the dark crystal. The Skylanders are destroying them all."

Nefarion: "What? Skylanders? Who are they?"

The Darkness: "The heroes who protected Skylands from the forces of evil, and heroes from Master Eon. He is also a Portal Master as well."

Nefarion: "Another Portal Master? We mustn't let them destroy the crystals." As he was gonna go over there and stop them.

The Darkness: "Not to worry..." As he paused him. "We have dark crystals scattered around this realm. I will send my minions to deal with them later if they come across more of my power source. Be patient, Nefarion. If you want to be the Nightmare King."

Nefarion agreed and went back to find more dark crystals, as the Darkness went back absorbing or consuming dark energy to regain his strength.

The Darkness: "And pretty soon, Nefarion. You will see my true form when I reveal my true self."

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