Chapter 1: Which Heroes the best?

Start from the beginning

Stealth Elf: "Guess that makes them the best. And Everyones likes them."

Spyro: "Well, they are the best. But I'm sure we can be the best, very best."

But he was wrong, because the D-Team have already been saving and protecting Skylands for days. Every mubus still applauded for them, not Team Spyro. And no one ever sees them but focuses more on them. This makes Spyro feel almost jealous but keeping it inside not to be jealous.

    Moment passed, Spyro and his friends were in the grand library not doing anything because they had no mission or anything. And Jet-Vac is gone to see Kaos if they can do something that helps.

Eruptor: "I'm sure Jet-Vac will convince Kaos for us to do something. I got nothing with these flames anymore." As he shows his fist not making any flames.

Stealth Elf: "Don't worry, Jet-Vac and Kaos will find something perfect for all of us to do."

Then Jet-Vac and Kaos return, and the others stand to prepare for the good news.

Jet-Vac: "Okay, team. Kaos and I have found one thing we can do to keep ourselves more educated and trained."

Stealth Elf: "A Quest...."

Eruptor: "Artifacts to discover....."

Spyro: "More bad guys to punch...."

Pop Fizz: "More explosions we can do......"

They were all ready to take a dramatic action, and doing their ready pose, but it's not what they expected.

Jet-Vac: "We're gonna help the cadets to get more education and training going."

They really don't like the ideas, as Kaos reminded them.

Kaos: "Look, I know you guys don't really like it but imagine. With enough education for the cadets, they will be successful to pass the graduation ceremony."

Eruptor: "Hmmm, now you mention it, I do need to coach the cadets tomorrow. They needed more training if they wanted to win that game."

Stealth Elf: "And I have to help them to train to prepare against the villain holograms."

Pop Fizz: "Including me, I have to show them about the elements of Skylands."

Spyro: "Wait, you're gonna just forget about all the fighting we did for the past of saving Skylands? Are you sure that's what Master Eon really wanted?"

Kaos: "My father is okay with this, as long as the D-Team keeps protecting Skylands, we'll be okay. But if they needed help or got themselves captured, I'll send you guys to help them. Okay?"

They all felt it's okay, but not Spyro cause it's their job to protect Skylands and they're an elite squad. But it's true, they needed to help the cadets to be ready for the graduations. So, they went back to being a professor and trainer to keep the cadets with great skills. Days pass, and the heroes still keep on leveling the cadets. But no troubles and anything from anyone because the D-Team's still protecting Skylands. And the cadets were happy for them which made them want to be Skylanders. Then Nina and Zoran zip through the skies creating a trail of clouds that says, "Skylanders Forever!" And Spyro wished he could do that. When school is over, Team Spyro heads to their room almost exhausted with how they help the cadets.

Stealth Elf: "Well, the cadets really sure have gained experience from their training. I've been doing great with them."

Jet-Vac: "Well, I've been keeping my eyes on them hoping to see them finish their homework instead of cheating. I was a great teacher to them."

Eruptor: "You two think you're great with them, I guided them with plans and ideas as a coach."

Pop Fizz: "Nah, you think that's the best, I help them with the chemistry of mixing potions. Then one of them accidentally poured too much and it exploded."

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