She sighed. "The kids are mean to me, because I don't have a mummy. I always say it's okay that I am fine with having just  dad but they make fun of me and say it's not enough and you will not raise me good. Markie always defended me, but he moved to another town and is not there anymore." She said as she started eating, not looking at her dad.

Harry felt furious. These kids didn't even know what happened with her mother, how could they make fun of someone for it then? How could they say he will not raise her good? He has done it for the last two years alone and he thinks he has succeeded quite good. He would yell at the kids parents so gladly but he knew he had to be stronger than that and deal with it as an adult.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner Lizz?" He asked and she looked at him finally, relieved he wasn't angry at her.

"Because I thought you would be angry at me for loosing mummy. And that I couldn't stand for myself, as you always told me to." A single tear rolled down her cheek and onto her frog shaped pancake.

Harry gestured for her to sit on his lap and as she did so, he wiped at her eyes and forced her to meet his gaze.

"I will never ever blame you for your mum leaving okay? It wasn't your fault and it never will. Never. And I know I always tell you to stand for yourself, but it's hard and sometimes even Daddy can't do it you know? I am so glad and proud of you for telling me this, Lizzy, so proud. If you ever feel sad again or just want to tell me something, go for it yeah? I am all ears." He said and kissed her forehead and then nose, making her giggle.

"Okay." She replied and nuzzled her face into her father's chest, hugging his t-shirt tightly.

"I will speak to your teachers about it on Monday and if it doesn't change, we will think of some solution, okay?" When he felt her nod, he kissed her hair and sighed, cursing those who hurt his daughters feelings.


Well, it didn't work.

Harry talked to Lizzy's teachers and they said they will talk to the kids, but when his daughter came home every day more miserable, he decided he needed to do something about it.

He kept her home from kindergarten on Thursday and Friday, calling she was sick, in reality, he was tired and hurt by his daughter being miserable from a place that should only bring her joy.

So on Saturday, they made their way to Niall's house.




Lizz and Niall called out at the same time, running towards each other. Niall was Lizzy's godfather and her absolute favourite uncle. She loved Liam, but Niall was Niall, as she always said. Niall and Harry were best friends since kindergarten and lived always around 20 minutes from each other, just because they wanted to. The Irish lad helped Harry with the little girl tremendously in the last two years and he couldn't be more grateful for him.

"Hey Hazz!!!" He greeted him as well, pulling him into a side hug, because the little creature occupied his other hand.

"Hey Ni, everything good?"


They spent the whole day at Niall's and once it was time to leave, Lizzy seemed to want nowhere.

"Lizz come on, we need to go home."

"No Daddy, I want to stay with Nini. We can have a movie night!!! Don't tell me you don't want to, it's going to be so much fun!!"

"Yeah Harry, it's going to be fun!!! And we can order pizza!!!" Niall said as well and Harry shot him a look saying he has no say in this decision.

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