" I will say that an unhealthy way to heal is to continuously try to see the good in someone. Like she said when someone shows you who they are believe it the first time. It sounds easier said than done but you have to move on. When you drag your feet with it your only hurting your self more and moving further away from the healing process." Yannick explained.

" That was a great answer." Teyana smiled, looking over at Yannick.

" How do you deal with being in the spotlight ? Like people always having an opinion on what you do ?"

" Don't care." Yannick shrugged.

" This for both of us ?" Teyana questioned, and the girl nodded. " Short answer like he said is don't care. If you care what someone says about your life all of the time you'll never be happy. Because no matter what you do somebody will always have something to say about what your doing." she added.

" You gone spend your whole life living for somebody else when you should be living for yourself." Yannick said.

The kids asked about 5 more questions before they had to go back to their classes. Teyana and Yannick talked with the admin for a minute before leaving.

" I know this is more about the kids but I kind of feel like this helping me in a way." Yannick said, as they got in the car.

" What do you mean by that ?" Teyana questioned.

" Like I feel like I can express myself in a way that I don't feel like I''m forced to talk about my feelings." Yannick explained, and Teyana nodded. " Plus I feel like I get a chance to show a different side of me." He added.

" I definitely feel like with those kids they get to see a more vulnerable Yannick Soule than the on the court Yannick Soule which I love." Teyana responded, and he agreed.

Now at the age of 34 Yannick was trying to find ways to brand himself as more than just a basketball player and so far it was going well. He had recently gotten an acting roll for an upcoming movie and he couldn't be more happy to be venturing on to something new.

" We going to the Matrix, right ?" Teyana questioned, and Yannick nodded his head yes.

The Matrix, was Teyana and Yannick's athletic complex that they had founded about a year and a half ago. About 3 years ago the owner of The Satin Dollhouse owner had decided she was ready to retire and decided upon leaving it to Teyana. After being the owner for a few weeks she was inspired and decided she wanted to add on and build an athletic campus, and she thought who else to go into business with than her husband.

So far they had basketball, football, track, cheerleading, and of course majorette. Business had been flourishing and they were now looking into adding baseball and soccer to their program for the upcoming seasons.

" What you wanna eat for lunch ?" Yannick questioned.

" I don't know, I'm not really that hungry. What you want ?" Teyana responded, and Yannick just looked her up and down licking his lips. " Why you so nasty?" She giggled.

" You asked and I answered." Yannick shrugged.

" I meant actual food." Teyana said, shaking her head. " Let's just wait till the kids gets out of school and we can go to lunch as a family." She suggested, and he nodded in agreeance.

Once they got to The Matrix they headed straight to Teyana's office. The 6u football had a game today and she wanted to make sure that they had all of the kids id's so that they were able to play.

" How come your office so nice and organized and mines look like how it does ?" Yannick questioned.

" You the one who decorate it like that, if you want me to decorate yours that's all you gotta say." Teyana responded.

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