The other was Donnacha Mullen. Here, the things are somewhat more complicated, so I'll try to be as simple and to use as few words as possible. Youri had another daughter, but she lived in Ireland. She went there many years before as a tourist, but she liked it and decided to stay. There, she met the man of her life, and the two married and promised to never leave each other. They had a son, and this son was Donnacha.

Martin and Donnacha were in the same bus (they had agreed to meet in a point they knew would be fine for both of them), and to spend their time in some way, they went on talking about several things. Donnacha asked Martin:

"Does he have a nice house?"

"I think so. I haven't seen it. But from what I've heard, he's a good guy, so his house must be good just as good".

"We'll see once we get there".

"Right. Listen, Donnacha, what are you up to now?"

"You mean in these days?"

"Yes, what are you doing now?"

"I'm working at a project that came to my mind almost spontaneously. I can't tell you anything about it because then it wouldn't be as interesting, but I'm sure that when it gets released, you will like it, and so will everyone else".

"Nice! Is it a university assignment?"

"No, my last university assignment expired three months ago, and I have already done and submitted it, although it cost me a lot of effort and sweat. But what matters is that I did it. What I'm telling you is my own idea, that I got out of nowhere, I already told you".

"Ah, yes, you're right, sorry. Well, I'm sure people will gladly use it".


"Well, those who are interested, of course".

"Now, when we get to Robrecht's, what shall we tell him?"

"What do you mean? Of course we will greet him".

"Yes, I thought about that too. But after that? I didn't take anything, because I hate giving gifts to people, even if they are my relatives, unless they ask me".

"Yeah, me too. It would be too much work, and everyone is different".

"You're right. That's what people forget about the most".

"I'm afraid to say it, but you can't deny reality. I think we'll just have a chat, we have to get to know him better, don't we?"

"Sure, of course we do".

As their conversation went on, the bus approached where they were going to, that is, to Robrecht's. Martin asked Donnacha:

"Do you have any question in mind?"

"To ask him?"


"Not really. What about you, sir?"

"I think I will ask him something about his life".

"Okay. Sir, tell me what we get there, because I have never been to Belgium before, so I don't know anything".

"We're almost there. Don't worry".

"How long?"

"A few minutes. Don't worry. When we're there, I will tell you".

I don't know what was going on in Donnacha's soul, but it should have been anything which had him want to get there as fast as possible.

And even thought it felt to him like a lifetime, actually, only six minutes or less have passed from the moment Donnacha asked Martin where they would get to Robrecht's house to the moment where they got to the place. Martin said:

"Well, this seems like it. Let's get off, shall we?"

"Is it going to be a long walk?"

Donnacha didn't need to ask it, but for some reason, he did.

"I don't know, but I think we'll be there in two minutes. Now, which way should we go? I think it's that way", and he pointed north.

When they got to what looked to both of them as a cottage, Robrecht wasn't there. So Donnacha asked Martin:

"And what are we going to do now?"

"I don't know, let's wait for him a few more minutes".

"And if he doesn't come back?"

"If he doesn't return in an hour, it will mean that either we're in the wrong place or something happened to him".

"I hope it didn't".

"Me too, Donnacha".

But just after he said that, Robrecht appeared and moved towards them. He exclaimed:

"Oh, hi guys! I'm so glad to see you. How are you?"

"We're fine, thank you", they said, almost at the same time.

"I have something for you. Would you like to see it?"

"What shall we do with it?"

"Once you see it, you'll understand".

"Okay, fine, get it here", Donnacha said. He was really curious, and so was Martin.

"Here you are", Robrecht said and showed them a pack of sausages. "What do you think of it?"

"Sorry, Robrecht, but I don't eat meat of that kind", Martin said.

Robrecht looked disappointed, so the oldest of the three also added:

"But one piece will be fine. Don't take it away".

"Okay. What about you, Donnacha?"

"I can eat some too".

"Okay, I'll put them in the fridge so that nothing happens to them".

He did so and went back outside.

"So, guys, what about going to the pub now?"

It was the same pub Youri had dreamed about the night before.

"What? Aren't we going to visit your cottage?"

"You are, but first, I'd like to invite you to a pub".

They liked pubs, so they agreed.

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