the red and white baseball jacket i had given him over a plain black t-shirt was much broader than his shoulders, and my light blue ripped jeans were completely concealing his feet due to the length.

he frowned at me and crossed his arms, flipping me off.

"don't be so sassy with me. you look good in my clothes." i spoke before thinking, immediately regretting it once his cheeks went pink and he covered his face with his arm. i pinched myself in annoyance, standing up from my bed.

"zuko. roll up your sleeves." he tilted his head to the side in confusion, beginning to roll up the sleeves of the jacket. i rolled my eyes, flicking his forehead once i was in reach of him. "no, you dumbass! i meant these."

i got down onto my knees to roll up the jeans to his ankles, feeling unnatural heat course through my body. of course this position had to be suggestive. i looked up at peppermint for a moment to ask him something. big mistake. he was already looking down at me with his bottom lip trapped beneath his teeth, the tips of his ears red.

i cleared my throat. "uh- can you feed darlene for me? her food should be in the pantry with a sign on it." he turned away with a flustered expression, retreating away from my bedroom without a response.

i groaned and hid my head in my hands. what the hell was i doing. what the hell was he doing. what the hell were we doing.

i changed into a pair of black crash jeans i had just sewn a few hours ago, a black oversized t-shirt and a polyester parker jacket the same shade as my hair. i placed a chain around my neck, slipping a few silver rings onto my fingers.


i snickered, knowing exactly what was happening downstairs. i walked down the stairs casually, slipping my headphones around my neck in the process. i walked into the kitchen with a smirk, bursting out laughing at todoroki's state. he was squatted down on top of the kitchen counter furthest from the pantry, eyes wide with shock as he glared at me.


i gripped the counter with one hand, gasping for air with laughter. i had seen family relatives react strangely before, but todoroki definitely did it for me.

"they're just crickets."


"but they're just crickets."

"..i hate you."

i pulled the container out from the bottom of the pantry, placing it down on the counter. todoroki whined in annoyance and fear, curling in on himself more. i took darlene from his fingers, snapping open the box of living, bouncing crickets.

todoroki screamed bloody murder as he sprinted out of the kitchen. i remained silent for a moment knowing what was coming before hearing him slip and fall, followed by a small "ow."

i chuckled and rolled my eyes. "idiot."

i picked up twenty crickets with my hand, placing the living beings in a separate container. i then covered them in calcium powder, shaking it around in the box before sliding the container open far enough for darlene's head to fit.

she immediately dove in, exposing her sharp fangs as she bit the insects and swallowed them contently. i waited about two minutes for her to finish, before placing the box back into the pantry.

i walked out into dining room, seeing todoroki simply lying on his back, spread out like a starfish whilst he stared at the ceiling.

"you good?"

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