Start from the beginning

"It's innapropriate for couples to kiss when they haven't even been together for a full day," Momoko said quietly. The color of her face slowly reverting back to its original color, but was left with rosy pink cheeks. This feeling I'm getting, I'm not sure if it's familiarity, deja-vu, or what, but I just can't shake this feeling for some reason.

"Uh, yeah, you're right," I agreed without thinking. I'm too lost in my own thoughts to actually realize he things she's saying to me.

"Right, so take me home. It's romantic for a boyfriend to walk his girlfriend home," she demanded. I nodded slowly and walked straight ahead of me.

"My house is the other way," she said. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head to look at her. I chuckled and said 'oops' before walking next to her.

We walked alongside each other, talking about anything that came to mind.

She smiled sweetly when we had reached the front of her house.

"It's romantic for a boyfriend to give his girlfriend a kiss after he walks her home," she said in a shy voice.

I thought about what she said earlier. "I thought it was inappropriate for couples to kiss on their first day of going out?" I smirked. She's the one who said it was inappropriate, not me.

"Fine, then, goodnight," she huffed with a disappointing look on her face. I don't understand her at all. First, she doesn't want to kiss me, then she wants me to give her a goodbye kiss?

This is just too confusing.

Momoko closed her front door and and left me standing on her porch. I shook my head and started walking home. There was just something I couldn't get out of my mind.

I kept thinking about her red bow. Something about just felt, strange. It was...familiar. I know I keep saying that word, but it just is. I can't help but think that I've seen this somewhere.

The red bow. I felt like it was important somehow.

Her pink eyes.

Pink colored clothes.

Her voice.

Her pink eyes.

That red bow.


Buttercup's POV (I ducked up the POVs looool)

Butch and I soon parted and I started heading home. I felt good, for not ever being in a relationship my entire life. I don't like to get all lovey- dovey, I think that's just gross. And frankly, I never really thought I had time to do any of that. It's just not my thing.

A smile crept to my face as he came to my mind.

"So, can I guess who you're smiling about?" someone said to the side of me. I turned my head to see a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, sarcastic twerp looking at me with eyes that say 'I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! '.

"What do you want? I'm busy here," I said nonchalantly.

"All you're doing is walking," he pointed out.

"Yeah, walking away from you, " I laughed like I had just won a fight.

"So I heard you were dating a Ruff," he criticized. Wait, how did he find out already? We've just barely started dating.

"How do you know that?" I questioned him. Was he stalking me? What a creep!

"Bubbles is the most gossipy student at school. She has eyes and ears everywhere. If something happens, like this for example, she'll know about it. Once she found out about you, though, she took it upon herself to tell the three of us, Blossom, and the professor," he explained. Of course, I wasn't surprised by this. I've known her long enough to really that she just had to know everything about everyone.

"Her name is Miyako, " I corrected him. He raised an eyebrow and gave a sarcastic smile.

"Really? I didn't know that, " he said sarcastically.


"Anyway, that's not why I came here for. I need to talk to you about something," he paused before closing his eyes and thought about what he was going to say, "I know how to get rid of the Punks for good," he stated.

My eyes opened wide before I was actually able to say something, "Spit it out! What is it!? " I yelled at him.

"We can create a portal to another dimension. This isn't a normal dimension, though. It's absolutely empty. If we can just get them to go through the portal and close it before they get out, then we'll be safe," he explained. I breathed out sigh of relief.

"How do we make this portal?" I asked, desperate for an answer.

Bash took a deep breath before answering, "It is extremely dangerous to make one. The price is high and hard to pay. One of us has to give up something we value most, and use it as a sacrifice,"

I swear I could've fainted at any given moment. I suddenly felt too dizzy to stand. I feel on my knees and clutched some of my hair in one hand.

The thing for us, that we value most, would be our powers. If we gave up those, the Powerpuff Girls Z wouldn't exist anymore. But, only one of us has to give it up.

"Don't tell the others about this," I ordered him. He cocked his head to the side and just stared at me, "I'll figure something out, don't worry,"

Should I be the one to give my powers up? I know the Rowdyrught Boys value their town more than their powers, and that is exactly what we are trying to save. So that means, I would have to be the one. If Blossom or Bubbles weren't ever find out, they would immediately tell me that I was being crazy, and would volunteer themselves. Then there would be a big mess to solve, and it would be much easier if we avoided that in the first place.

Okay, then, it's settled. I'll give up my powers at the last minute, so no one knows what is going on.

How many of you were expecting ButchxButtercup? THERE WAS NONE! AHAHAHAHAHAHA

So, if you haven't noticed, the next few chapters are going to be a lot shorter. Why? Because the end of the book is coming. I don't want it to all just be in one chapter. Thats boring.

*Final Edit*
I'm literally just jumping around chapters now lol

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