Hence, the Almighty switched servers and tried to refresh some data that he could still touch in other servers, hoping that his name would also dominate the server.

The God's server transfer would naturally take away a large number of normal players.

Riman had left the industry for ten years, and the first District had lost a lot of players, so of course, it would become what everyone called a dead zone.

The fans who were initially jumping around quieted down.

The other viewers who had seen the two Weibo comments all deducted 666 at the bottom.

Ran ran: [my mom is asking me why I'm kneeling down and looking at my phone.]

Ran ran: [F * ck, I always thought that God guzao was just a chewy person who retired because he couldn't play well in the game. I didn't expect ...]

Many of the audience members expressed their admiration for riwan.

At the same time.

At the beginning of the game, Gu Yanqi and his uncle had been paying attention to the result of the PK because they did not expect that a live broadcast would attract hundreds of millions of viewers.

Even during the process of Fu Zhi's one – on – one battle with Caesar, countless players had logged into the glory server, and the number was still rising.

This increase was based on the back – end. Before Fu Zhi went on stage, the number of people logging in to the throne grew at a 90 – degree angle, while the number of people logging in to the glory platform grew on a relatively smooth curve. After Fu Zhi went on stage, the number of people logging in to the throne platform became a curve, while the curve of the number of people logging in to the glory platform became steep.

Players from various servers kept coming in.

"It rose! It rose again! OMG, the number of real – time users has increased to 10 million!" Beside Gu Yanqi, the person in charge of monitoring the data shouted excitedly. This night, the glory suit had never made him feel so at ease."Our data is still increasing at a speed of tens of thousands per second!"

"Let's not talk about the increase in the number of viewers. Just looking at the odds of the audience buying game coins, our glory officials have made a lot of money!"

"F * ck, I was really worried for miss Fu Zhi at the beginning. That's Caesar! She actually allowed Caesar to fight her with full health! Looking at the results, I can only say, Fu Zhi is indeed worthy of her name!"

"Miss Fu, why are you still studying? just come work at Gu industries! Our boss will definitely treat her like a mascot!"

Backstage, the staff members were all laughing and talking. Everyone was in a good mood.

Gu Yanqi was also called over. Looking at the changes in the data, his high – hanging heart finally settled down.

He was filled with emotions.

His grandparents 'favoritism and their desire to fight for his uncle's interests at the risk of their lives, as well as the suicide incident, made him bitterly disappointed, but he could do nothing about it.

Seeing that the king level leader's marketing and reputation was much higher than glory 's, he was anxious and frustrated.

He and his father had put in too much effort into glory. He obviously didn't want the game to end up in his uncle's hands and be developed with the foreigners, allowing the foreigners to earn money from the Chinese.

However, the king had the support of the strongest professional players in the e – Sports circle, while he had no one to help him from behind.

For the past month, he had watched as every employee in the company worked hard for the game, and tonight's real – time data showed that glory couldn't beat the throne. He felt helpless.

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