018: All You Had To Do Was Stay

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     Rita glanced at Megara, catching only a glimpse of all the emotion her dear friend was feeling.  Little did Rita know just how much was bubbling under the surface.  "First time for everything, right?" Rita asked, redirecting her attention back to Ricky.  It seemed that Rita was best at redirecting, and ever since she joined the theatre, she'd unintentionally been doing that a lot.

     "After this, we're done," Megara added.  She wasn't sure where this newfound confidence came from, but she was glad she said something.  When everyone looked at her, it just made it all the more real.  "We have one more act and after that... well it's all over.  We just have to make it out there for a little while longer.  It'll go by in the blink of an eye."

     Megara's own words sat with herself as silence overtook the room.  They pierced right through her heart as if they were meant for her to hear.  In a way, they were.

     Almost wordlessly, everyone jumped to their feet and agreed to start helping out, offering things like throwing the snow and catching the mask Ricky would have to throw off during this new transformation scene.  Funnily enough, her words were just the thing they needed to send them off into oblivion and finish the show, even if spirits were down.  Sometimes they just needed a little push. 

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     With the high from bringing their show to a close (no matter if it was good or bad), Megara let a million things slip her mind.  Or at least for the most part.  While she went onstage as part of Ricky's entourage (thankfully, she knew a thing or two about where she should stand and how she should help), it was hard not to glance at the empty seats in the crowd where her mom and sister were supposed to be sitting.  But after seeing Ricky's smile, she forgot about the whole ordeal.

     She also forgot about the other boy in her life, the reason she was going through all of this trouble for.

     Phillip Cabot's smile should have brought her more comfort than stress, but all she felt as the curly-haired blonde made eye contact with her from across the room was a stomach filled with butterflies.  Or anxiety.

     "Lip, hey," Megara greeted him, briefly thinking back to the time he came to her house party and she was so nervous to see him.  How she felt so happy he wanted to talk to her.

     But now she was only thinking of what Ricky would think when she was stuck in the closet with Lip was the only thing that really clouded her thoughts.

     "Meg, can we talk?" he said, and if it weren't for his heartwarming smile, she would have thought she was in trouble.

     "Sure," she found it easy to return a smile back to him and let him lead her to the other room on the other side of the hallway, where they could be away from people and talk by themselves.  She fought the urge to glance over her shoulder as she let herself be swooped away from the madness that was enveloping the students and (hopefully) the audience.  But part of that madness included her own dramas and feelings, not to mention all the people she had mixed feelings for like Savannah, EJ, and most of all, Ricky.

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