Dustin's Letter

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Dear Girls,

You are beautiful. I have to start off saying that because so many of you refuse to believe it. Put down those mirrors and close the magazines. Beauty isn't what's on the outside, but also what lies beneath it. Until you find someone who truly sees you as beautiful inside and out, I'm here to tell you that you are.

Not all guys can see that cause they're all too conceited. But, news flash, that just says they're not worthy of you. When you find a guy that really does deserve you he'll treat you like a princess.

Famous people, they're not perfect. There's this thing they use called photoshop and makeup. No one is perfect and everyone has flaws. But you are worth it. You were given a life for a reason, so live it however you want instead of worrying about what you look like or what people think. You're you and there's no one else like you. Be original like God made you.


This Is For The GirlsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt