Chapter Seventeen: incident

Start from the beginning

"Ummm.." Pepper said as she sets it up.

"Is someone hurt!!!"


"Someone is!!! Who tell me!!!"

"Someone ok!!"

"Please don't be Bucky!!"


"It is isn' he going to be ok!!"

"Yes I hope so... I hope this serum with work!!"

"He has been poisoned!!!"

"I'm afraid so..."

"No!!" Pepper got finished setting it up. Then y'all heard doors opening! You guys ran to the front door. You saw Steve supporting Bucky. You ran up to Bucky. He looked down and saw you running to him! He fell to the floor, you fell on your knees and try to help him. You helped him up but them he hugged you. You didn't expect it! "Bucky!! Are you ok!" You said.

"Y/n.. I-I love you...doll... please don't leave me..." Bucky said.

"I wont! I love you too!"

"Doll! I don't want to do"

"And you wont! Bucky it's going to be ok!" Steve picked him back up and dragged him to the medical room and you followed. They put him on the bed. "Doll..." Bucky said.

"Yes Bucky!?"

"Are you going to stay..."

"Yes I will stay!" You went up to him and hold his hand.

"Ok...I" Bucky said as he pasted out.

"Bucky!! Bucky wake up!! Is he ok!!"

"Yes he is going to be ok! Now get out of here!! NOW!" Steve said.

"No!! I don't want to go!!" You said.

"You can't stay!!"

"Yes I can!"

"Nat, Tony get her out of here!" Nat and Tony starts to push you out!

"No!! NO!!" You yelled out! Nat and Tony kicked you out! You looked through the glass door and saw Bucky laying there. They put something in him.. you couldn't watched so you ran to your room. Alpine came with you! You got to your room and jumped on your bed. You started to cry. Alpine jumped on your bed. "Meow?" Alpine said as she rubs her head on your arm. "Oh Alpine... I am sad..."


"I don't know if Bucky is going to be ok or not.." Alpine layed down with you. "Alpine.. *sniff* do you think he is going to be ok.."

"Meow..." You turned over and started to pet cuddled with Alpine and you cried even more. After a while Steve knocked the door.. you door was open by the way. "Hey..." Steve said.. You didn't say anything... "I know your mad.. and sad...right now but I want to say I'm sorry..." You kept petting Alpine... Steve came over and sat on your bed. "Y/n...I know you are mad at me.. for kicking you out... I didn't want you to see him...."


"Because.. I-I didn't want you to see... what happened...or what we were going to do to him..."

"What did you do? Is he ok!!" You said as you sat up.

"Yes he is going to be ok...but.. um... He- He is in a coma.."

"What... how long is going to be in a coma...?"

"I-I don't know.. *sniff* I'm sorry..."

"..Its ok.. its not your fault... I-I.. just what him to be ok.. he is the last thing to a family that I have... H-He is the only one that wants me.."

'What do you mean by that??"

"...Bucky...was the only person me... My know what.. I don't really what to talk about.."

"You can talk to me about anything.. you know that right.."

"I know... its just hard to talk about.."

"Hey its ok... I'm here.. all the avengers are here for you...We are here for you."

"Thank you... Can I see him please.."

"Sure... come on!"


"Yes you can come too Alpine!"

"Meow!" You guys left and went to the medical room...where you saw Bucky laying there.. asleep in a coma... you were so sad... you sat in the chair near him... you were so sad... "Hey Bucky... It's me... Y/n... I miss you... I wish will wake up.." You stayed there for a good while...

Words: 1182

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