you fall asleep while he's driving

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You look out the car window and watch the rain fall down, feeling tired. You look over at Luke, watching him drive. As you're stopped at a red light, he looks over at you and smiles, gently squeezing your hand. You smile back, your eyelids feeling slightly heavy.

"Tired, darling?" he asks you as you let out a small yawn.

"Maybe just a little," you respond, rubbing the side of his thumb with yours.

He looks at you and smiles adoringly. "Don't worry, we'll be home soon, baby," he says.

You look back out the window and into the darkening evening, watching as the rain continues falling. Giving up the fight to keep your eyes open, you close them, and before you know it, you drift off to sleep. Luke looks back over at you, smiling to himself when he notices you've fallen asleep.

He makes sure to drive carefully the whole way home as not to wake you, occasionally looking over at you to make sure you're still peacefully asleep, knowing how little you've been able to sleep lately. The rain gradually starts letting up as you get closer to your shared home, eventually stopping altogether.

A few short minutes later, Luke pulls into the driveway, parking the car and then turning to you.

He starts to gently shake your shoulder "Y/n, sweetheart, wake up, we gotta go inside," he says softly. You start to stir, and he stops shaking your arm, placing his hand on your thigh.

You reluctantly open your eyes, looking over at Luke. "We're home already?" you ask through a yawn.

"Yeah, and we gotta go inside now love," he says softly to you. He notices you struggling to keep your eyes open, barely awake. He gets out of the car and shuts his door, and you reach to undo your seat belt when your door suddenly opens. Luke ducks down and gets your seat belt for you.

He looks at you and smiles lovingly at you. "Don't worry love, I'll carry you inside," he says.

You start to protest but he cuts you off, "No, y/n, you're tired. I don't mind carrying you in."

He then takes you in his arms, bridal style, and lifts you out of the car. You lay your head against his chest, allowing your eyes to fall shut again.

"Thank you, babe," you say tiredly, smiling.

"Anything for you, darling," Luke responds softly, making you blush slightly.

"Hmm, I love you Lukey," you mumble, starting to drift back off to sleep.

The last thing you hear before falling back asleep is Luke's soft "I love you too, y/n," as he carries you inside to bed.

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