Chapter Thirteen: Vecna... LIVES

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  Dustin and I had gotten back from Steve's really late. We discussed everything I saw and what happened with Chrissy. The possibility of The Upside Down being open again, when in fact we know Joyce closed it. Hopper risked his life for Joyce to close it. Joyce watched the gate of the Upside Down close. I didn't sleep very well last night. I kept having dreams about being in the Upside Down again, Chrissy floating and dying, Starcourt small. It was all coming back. I had to figure out how to tell Eddie any of this. I was already a mess of a girlfriend before I got pregnant with my history with Billy. Now I have to prove to him about another world that lives right underneath Hawkins. I got sick of trying to force myself to sleep and I stared at my ceiling. I didn't want to get up yet, maybe I will go back to sleep. It was only 8:00 am and I didn't work until this evening.
  I heard knocks on the door, and faint voices from downstairs. I was really hoping it was Eddie. Now more then ever I just wanted to be in his arms and feel safe. Have Eddie tell me everything is going to be okay, when I knew we were only at the beginning for the worse. " Amy, get down here!" My mom yelled, if it was Eddie she would have just sent him up. " Coming!" I yelled back, quickly climbing out of bed. I grabbed a sweatshirt and put it on. I walked out of my bedroom, and I noticed Dustin was already gone. I walked down the stairs and Dustin was with my mom. I thought he would have been with his friends by now. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw two policeman sitting in the couch across from my mom and Dustin. Shit. I knew these policeman, they were underneath working for Hopper. What I would kill for it to be Hopper here instead of these losers. " What's going on?" I asked, looking at everyone. My mom looked worried, even terrified. Dustin looked more worried then scared, because he knew the truth of possibly what was happening. " We just talked to your boyfriend, Eddie Munson." The first police officer said, and my heart dropped. " Okay? What does that have to do with why you are here?" I asked them. " Why don't you take a seat and we can explain." The second police officer said. I did as I was told, and sat in the middle between Dustin and my mom. " Amy, we found Chrissy Cunningham dead this morning. We believe she was in fact murdered. We had to call FBI because we have never seen a body dismantled like that before. We talked to her parents and they said that you were the last person to see her alive. They suspect that you or another person killed Chrissy and ran away." The first police officer explained, and my mouth I'm sure was almost to the ground. " You think I killed Chrissy?" I asked them. " It doesn't look good with the family's witness. We also have another witness." The second police officer said. " Who's the second witness? If I'm being accused I should know." I demanded. Both police officers looked at each other, and my heart was racing. I was in deep shit. " Jason, Chrissy's boyfriend." The second police officer said. " When I left Chrissy's one she was very much alive. Chrissy and I did not see Jason's car outside." I lied. I did see a car parked out front, and I knew it was Jason's while I was running to Steve's. I was just so terrified I didn't think to process that Jason saw something.
  " You're sure Chrissy was alive? He said that because you are Eddie Munson's girlfriend he wouldn't be surprised if you were in Eddie's cult." The second police officer said. " Jason also saw you running out of the house terrified. The first police officer pointed out. " This is bullshit!" I yelled, standing up. " Amy!" My mom scolded at my language. " I will say this one more time. You think me a 5'1 feet teenager carrying a baby would murder one of my classmates and run seven miles home? Doesn't that sound a little ridiculous to you guys?" I questioned them now. " I can't even run because I'm pregnant. After saying goodbye to Chrissy for the night she walked me out and waited for me until Steve Harrington could pick me up. Once Steve picked me up we made sure Chrissy was safe inside and my little brother along with his friends and my friends came over to Steve's and watched movies for the rest of the night." I explained. " They were at Steve's." My mom chimed in. I was grateful I called her telling her why Dustin and I weren't home yet.
  " I'm so sorry Amy, we didn't mean to accuse you fully about killing Chrissy. We know you didn't kill Chrissy. We just had to do our job. All of your alibi's line up.  Chrissy's parents said that Jason ended up finding out Chrissy cheated on him with Eddie, and Eddie told me you and your brother were at Steve's. Along confirming the cheating. We actually think Jason did it. Chrissy's parents has said he has been stopping by their house looking drunk after he found out about the affair. Chrissy broke up with him the night before she died." The first police officer said, and I felt like I could breathe again. " As we mentioned, Chrissy's parents just wanted to give us all the information from that night. We are about to talk to Steve himself just to also confirm. Once Steve confirms you are in the clear." The second police officer said, and I felt myself sit back down.
  " Next time you want to accuse me of something, don't be that harsh." I breathed. " Our apologizes. We will keep in touch." The first police officer said standing up. Once they left I had to rush upstairs, Dustin followed behind me. " Dustin, get your radio!" I told him. When I walked back in my room Eddie was in here, and it didn't scare me anymore when he would just show up. " Would you like to explain to me now what's going on?" Eddie demanded. " In one second, yes." I said. Dustin came back in with his walkie talkie and I turned the station to contact Steve. " Steve Harrington you better get your ass up out of bed right now!" I yelled through the walkie. " Amy what do you want? I have a girl over." Steve quietly replied annoyed. " I don't really care who it is, police are on their way over. They accused me of killing Chrissy." I said back to him. " You're serious?" Steve asked, and I knew he would be alone in another room at this point.
  " Yes, they questioned Eddie before they came to me. Now they are going to question you. All you need to say is you picked me up from Chrissy's and took me to your house. Chrissy was with me waiting outside and you saw her very much alive. Okay?" I stressed, hoping I got to him on time. " Yeah, got it. I think they just got here." Steve replied. " Meet at Eddie's once your done?" I told Steve. " See you then." Steve assured me. " Dustin, get all of your friends to meet at Eddie's and we will see you there." I told Dustin. " On it!" Dustin said, and quickly ran back down the stairs. " You guys are still freaking me out." Eddie said. " We need all of them to confirm what I'm about to tell you. Your trailer right now is the safest option." I explained to him. " Just climb back down the window and I'll meet you outside. You will find out everything." I assured Eddie.

We were all now at Eddie's and we told him everything. From what really happened with Will's disappearance, to what happened at Starcourt Mall. Why we are all so close because of the events. Who El really is, how Hopper died and what I saw with Chrissy. We even explained the Mindflayer to him. " So Billy wasn't Billy when he died?" Eddie asked. " No, he wasn't. The Mindflayer was controlling him." I told Eddie. " He was still a dick before that though." Steve mumbled, I looked at Max and she looked down when Steve said that. " Steve." I gave him warning eyes, looking at Max. " Sorry, Max." Steve quickly apologized. " It's fine." Max mumbled.
" This sounds a real life Dungeon and Dragons experience." Eddie pointed out. " Really? You are bringing up D&D now?" I sighed. I for sure thought he would want to leave me after we all explained everything to him. " No, no Henderson back me up on this. You guys fought demogorgons right?" Eddie questioned, and Dustin's face lit up. " Yes! The year Will went missing." Dustin quickly said. " You also mentioned that the Upside Down looks like Hawkins, just darker and worse." Eddie continued. " Where are you going with this Eddie?" Nancy asked. " In D&D before we defeat Vecna. The normal outside world turns into this world. Once Vecna is defeated the town goes back to normal. What if The Upside Down is controlled by some real life Vecna." Eddie pointed out, he didn't sound to insane with his theory. " Amy, how did Chrissy die again?" Dustin asked. " She looked like she was in a trance, as if someone was controlling her without being in the room or near by.." I said, and started to picturing it again. I closed my eyes, and I felt Eddie quickly grabbed onto my hand and I snapped out of it. " Almost like she was cursed." Eddie said to me. " Vecna's curse." Dustin whispered. " If Vecna really is controlling the upside down, how are we going to know for sure this is Vecna?" Nancy asked. " Sadly, we have to wait. Wait for another victim to be truly sure." Eddie explained.
" Great, so we have to have more people die to be sure? I'm sure we can find our own answers before that." Steve argued. " Tell us more about Chrissy Eddie, you seemed to have known her pretty well." Robin said. " Robin." I spat at her. " It's fine Amy. She was struggling a lot. She said she couldn't sleep most nights. That's why she needed to get drugs. They helped for awhile. She was also complaining about seeing things that weren't there. I didn't know what to do about that, I thought maybe she just had a really bad episode with the drug I gave her. Maybe she really was seeing things from the Upside Down. She had lots of nightmares. Always taking medicine for headaches that would never go away. Another time she even got a random bloody nose. It was just a lot of weird shit happening, so truly thought it was the drugs. So I stopped giving them to her." Eddie explained. I looked at Max's face and she looked pale. " Max?" I said, getting up and walking over to her. " I-I have been having those same things happen to me recently. That happened to Chrissy." Max choked. " What do you mean?" Nancy questioned. " I have been having bad nightmares for a few months now. I got a bloody nose in class last week, and I've seen things. Things that aren't real but feel extreme real at the time. What if... I'm the next victim?" Max choked, and fear in her eyes came almost instantly. Tears streamed down so fast. " You aren't going to die, not as long as I can help it." I assured Max. Max quickly hugged me, and I hugged her back so tight. She was shaking of the thought on being Vecna's next victim. " It's okay Max, I promise you will be okay." I told her, and I wanted to believe my own words. Apart of me didn't. If this was Vecna, we wouldn't even know how to save Max from him. I couldn't even save Chrissy, how am I suppose to save Max?

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