Chapter 6: The Big Game pt2

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"Come on y'all Michael's right, we're still down a person for the team. I know just the person to recruit to our Island of Misfit Toys. Tall, hot, and handsome," "Rafael?" Josie questioned. "I was totally thinking tight end.." "I just saw him" Penelope started, appearing out of nowhere,. "Yeah sorry, Raf's not going to be at the game, he hopped the Hope-train out of town. Just like your dad." I looked up and saw that the twins were fuming. "Hey guys, why don't you just ask the new vampire Kaleb to be on the team. I heard that he was really good at football before he was turned," my cousin Ethan said as he ran into the room out of breath. He then noticed me and gave me a weak smile before mouthing 'can we talk?' at me. I nodded my head and gestured for him to follow me outside into the hallway.
"Did a letter from one of our old babysitters randomly show up on your desk in the middle of the night as well?" Ethan asked anxiously as we walked down the hall to where Riley and Mike were waiting for us. I nodded my head yes as I reached into my bag and pulled out the envelope addressed to me as he pulled one out of his bag with his name on it. "Who are those from?" Mike asked as we approached the pair. "They say that they're from our old babysitters," I replied pointing at the envelopes Ethan and I were holding in between us, "Wait, Wendy and Deigo? I thought they disappeared with the twins babysitter Jade when y'all were little," Riley said confused. "They did," Ethan answered quickly as he opened the envelope and began reading the letter inside. "Hey E, what does it say. Are the alright?" Mike asked. "I Idk." "Read it out loud, we can try to de-code it while we head over to meet up with Lilo's stepdad." Mike suggested.
Dear Ethan,
Hey little man, it's Diego. You might not remember me because we haven't seen each other in a while. I used to babysit you and Lilly with Wendy. I was the one who taught you how to swing, and I bought you your first baseball bat when you turned 3. But that's not what I wanted to talk about. E, I want you to know that I'm proud of you. No matter where I am or how far apart we are, I will always be proud of you. You will always be my mini me. Someday soon, when you're a little older, we can meet again.
"Hey guys come on, Uncle Stefan wants to see y'all," Ethan's older brother MJ or Matt Jr said as he ran towards us in his football jersey. I sighed and stuffed the letter into my back pocket, and I started heading to join everyone else for the game. "Dad!" I yelled as soon as I saw Stefan, running up and jumping onto him, as he caught me, "hey Lilly," he whispered into my ear and then kissed my forehead. "I thought you were coaching today" I said, noticing that he was wearing a ref uniform. "Yeah sorry kiddo's but they needed me to ref today's game so that Dorian could be on stand by for the Landon Kirby case. However Lillian I do have a very important job for you." "Wait, really?" "Yeah well without someone over there to call the plays or no one's going to know what's going on." "Dad, I don't know any of the plays. Josie said that they're still using a completely different playbook this year even though they were told to lose the game again." "Oh, well that changes things. Okay new job, make sure that the team knows the Jo and Liz are in charge."
Meanwhile with Hope, Alaric and Raf: 3rd person pov:
"I don't know why he's still out here. He has had a whole day's lead on us he could be anywhere by now" Hope growled out angrily as the trio made their way through the woods. "Maybe, because he doesn't have a reason to run." Raf replied. Hope scoffed rolled her eyes, "Logic that would be perfectly believable if he hadn't, you know, ran."
(Twigs snapping nearby)
You hear that?
"Someone's here" "I-It's okay. I-I'm not gonna hurt you. Were you on the bus? Can you tell us what happened?" "Is she a survivor?" "Uh, smells like it. She reeks of smoke." "I think she's in shock. Look, I need to get her to the police so she she can get some medical attention. Uh, why don't you two go ahead? Don't engage. We don't know how dangerous Landon is" "He's not dangerous..." "I said don't engage."
Back at the Salvatore School; Lilly's pov:
Ethan, Michael, Riley, and I were sitting on the sidelines waiting for the game, or really anything remotely entertaining, to happen. Michael and I are in the middle of a staring contest, which I am winning by the way, I mean his eyes are watering he has to be about to blink. "Hey Lilly," Ethan said pulling me out of my trance, and causing me to lose the staring contest to Mike. "Yes Ethan?" "Who's that girl over there on the Mystic Falls team that's talking to Lizzie? It looks like Lizzie is getting more and more upset the longer that conversation goes on." I looked where Ethan was pointing and noticed that Dana was talking to Lizzie. "That's Dana, she's the daughter of the pharmacist that fills Lizzie's medicine." I told him bitterly while glaring at Dana. I didn't like her one bit. I also hate that people are constantly making fun of my sister or trying to make comments about her being a freak, which I personally disagree with.The last thing she needs right now is someone bad mouthing her. "Why do you hate her?" Ethan questioned looking over at Dana and Lizzie again. "She's bullied Lizzie relentlessly since the first time we went to her mom's pharmacy," I stated. "And you haven't done any retaliation pranks? Typically within a couple hours of someone saying something about one of your sisters they've been the victim of some elaborate prank that you pulled." "Dr. S won't let her use her powers to pull pranks on the locals," MG said as he and the rest of the team ran over. Ethan and I both looked up at the team and smiled when we realized that they'd lost the coin toss battle."Kaleb. Come on, suck it up.We have to go through this every year, okay?"Josie said. "I was getting recruited by D-1 schools before I got here alright. I don't lose. And what happened to that Stefan dude being the coach?" Kaleb said raising an eyebrow at Josie while crossing his arms across his chest. "Stefan is the referee today because Mr.Williams is on stand by for the whole Landon's thing, meaning Josie and Lizzie and the teams coaches today. Also it's apparently a troubled rich kid school thing to do to suck at sports, so you have to lose today Kaleb." I said walking up behind Josie. I gently tugged on her jersey, and waited her to look down at me before I motioned my head towards Lizzie and Dana. Josie sighed before bending down to look me eye to eye, "Don't worry to much about Lizzie, alright. She deals with Alyssa and Penelope doing stuff almost 24/7, dealing with Dana for a day is going to be nothing for her. Besides, Lizzie knows how to handle herself, and I will be on the field with her to make sure nothing happens, alright?" Josie said with a small reassuring smile. "Alright. Love you Josie," I said giving her a hug as she stood up straight once again. "I love you too Nova," Josie said with one last reassuring smile before joining Lizzie on the field.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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