Chapter Two: The Birthday Surprise

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               *DING* The bell goes off as a woman's voice comes over the speaker. "We are now reaching our destination, the Capitan has turned in the seatbelt sign. Please put your seats in the upright position and close all trays, thank you!" Alex rolls her eyes at how perky and cheerful the woman sounds. Thank God I'm finally here she thought. She was seriously so over this plane and ready to get her bags, go to Steve's and take the worlds hottest shower and wash away all the bullshit from the past 48 hours. "I hope you enjoy your time back home with your brother dear." The old woman next to her said sweetly as they began their decent to the airport runway. "Thank you Marge, hope you enjoy your grandkids on your visit" Alex said in return.

Alex had gone through de boarding, security, and fighting to get her bags. Which almost started a fight, and she was so ready to get the hell out of there. She stood out in the middle of the terminal with all her bags searching for her brother. "Dammit Steve! Where the fuck are you? I know that I told him 3:30!" She muttered in frustration. She was tired and sore from all the stress and trying trying to sleep sitting up in for the almost 5 hour flight. It may not have seemed like a long flight but after the last two days, it felt like 15 hours to Alex. The thoughts of the arguments she had with her mother from the last few days playing in her kind.

*Flash back* "Why are you such a disappointment Alexandria? I have given you everything, and still you are just an utter failure!" Her mother yelled at her slurring her words as usual. "I'm sorry I'm not some mindless drone who does everything you want exactly how you demand!" Alex screamed back through tears she tried to hide. Her mother had gotten the call that's she has been expelled and needed to be out by the end of that day. "It's not like I meant to get caught mom! I was just trying to chill out, it's really stressful here" she knew her mother wouldn't care but she had to at least try and explain herself. She was right about her mother, who walked up to her and slapped her across the face. "Stressful!" her mother hissed. "You want to know what's stressful? Having an ungrateful bitch like you for a daughter!" she screamed in Alex's face. "Hurry up and pack your shit up so I can get out of here!" She stormed out leaving Alex standing alone in the middle of her dorm holding her throbbing cheek fight back tears.

"Fucking bitch!" Alex said through gritted teeth as she looked at her face in the mirror hanging on her wardrobe. It took her an hour and half to pack up all her belongings, crying as she did. She was dreading going back to the tiny dingy apartment her mother lived in. She finally had everything packed into the broken down pick up truck her mother borrowed from a "friend". As Lex climbed into the passenger seat her mother told her she had called her brother. She looked at her mother as she closed the door "You called Steve, why?" She asked. Without looking at her, her mother started the truck and drove saying "Because you're moving back the Hawkins with him. I'm done with you Alexandria!" Alex just sat back agains the seat looking out the window crying, trying to decide whether they were happy or sad tears.

They had spent the days leading up to her flight fighting, her mother calling her every name in the book just to hurt her. By the time she was on the plane she was happy to be leaving that bullshit behind, but now she was worries about her past in Hawkins and what would happen once she got there. She was pulled away from her thoughts as she heard her name being called. "Alex, Alex, hello! Earth to Alex!" Steve stood in front of her with a goofy smile on his face. "Oh Steve!" She pulled him into a hug sobbing into his chest. Seeing her big brother before her smiling with love in his eyes broke the last bit of strength she had holding everything in.

"Hey, hey, it's okay Alex. I got you little sis" he said hugging her back and stroking her hair. Tears stared pooling in his eyes as he felt Alex shaking from sobbing , her tears soaking his shirt. Alex stepped back wiping tears from her face. "I'm sorry Steve, oh shot, look at you shirt. Shit, I'm sorry" she said looking up at him. He chuckled "Alex it's fine, just some tears, they'll dry. No harm done." he smiled down at her. Alex finally smiles nodded her head and looking up at Steve. "Let's get you stuff in my car and get you home" he said "I bet you're dying to have a hot shower right about now, huh?" Alex looked up at him and laughed. "You still know me so well Steve" she said as they walked out to his car.

After the long drive home and the hottest shower she could handle, Alex was laying on the bed Steve made up for her. She still couldn't believe he had given her the bedroom in his trailer. He had a small shed next to it where he out most of his stuff, and there was a fold up bed in the living room he would sleep on. Alex felt bad at first, but he said he was getting a pull out couch soon so it was all fine. She loved Steve so much, not only for putting up with her bullshit and moms, but agreeing to take care of her. She knew he could have no and she would have had to find a place is her own. Which would have been pretty impossible since she was still in high school and didn't have a job.

She thought about the conversation they had in the ride to the trailer park, when the mention of her car came up. "So, when I mom sending your car here for you?" Steve asked as they passed the "Entering Hawkins" sign. She just looked down at her hands twiddling her fingers. "Um, she's not" she said softly, so softly Steve almost didn't hear her. "What did you mean she's not, Alex?" He sakes as her turned to look at her before turning back to the road. Alex looked out the window letting out a long sigh, "Mom sold my car six months ago because she's owed rent and lost her job again because she was drunk while working, AGAIN!" Steve gripped the steering wheel tighter. "So because she drank all her money away, she sold your car to pay her rent? Wow, classic mom move." He said shaking his head.

Now she lays on her new bedroom, on the new bed spread Steve bought her that she loved. All dark themed with a Metallica throw blanket and a small bear wearing a little Metallica t-shirt. He even went so far as to put up posters of bands she liked on the walls. Metallica, Iron Maiden, Megadeath and Black Sabbath posters were all over her room. Even though he didn't like metal, he at least respected that she does and doesn't get on her case about it like her mother did. She was thinking about her car now and how worried she was about getting around town. Was she going to have to depend on Steve for rides all the time? To get to and from school, oh god what if she was invited to a party? Did she really want to heave her big brother driving her parties? No, no way would she survive high school if that happened.

Not to mention she already felt guilty thinking about it. She didn't want Steve to give up his life because of her, she already felt like he was giving up part of it just by letting her live with him. Alex rolled over and out her face in a pillow letting out a frustrated yell. There was a sudden knock at the door making her jump. "Yeah?" She life's her head from the pillow. "Hey Alex, can you come outside for a minute please? I have something important to show you." she heard Steve say form the other side of the door. "Sure, be there in a sec!" She called back.

Alex put she shoes on and ran outside to find Steve. "Okay, what's so what's so damn important?" she said with a teasing smile. "Why don't you look over there and see for yourself." She said tilted his had near the shed. Alex looked and froze her eyes going wide, "SURPRISE!" Steve yelled a huge smile on his face. She looked back at Steve "It's your early birthday present Alex. Hope you like it." Her eyes grew wide again a huge smile
Spreading across her face "oh my God Steve!" She said walking over to the shed. Sitting by the shed was a Black and Red Yamaha FJ 1200. "You got met a motorcycle?"


**A/N: The next chapter will get a little more interesting and you will see more of the characters I promise. I hope you are enjoying the story so far.

If you have any suggestions or anything about the story please leave a comment. I would appreciate any input on helping make this a good story for everyone to enjoy!

I will also be working on an actually schedule for posting the next chapters and keep you updated!


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