Chapter one: the job

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n, I've got a job for you." My boss says as she smiles handing me a folder.

"Really, what is it?" I ask I have been looking for a job since my boss fired me. I yell at one customer and he fired me.

"It's a personal photographer. You will basically just hang out with them all day and take pictures." I nod. "Everything you need to know is in this folder." She hands me a red folder.

"Thank you, so much." I grab the folder and walk out of the building. More like run, but once I'm in the car I drive home.

Once I'm home I run in and jump on the couch. I open the folder and read it. It's for the singer Sabrina carpenter. I've heard some of her songs and she's really good.

To:y/n y/l/n
You have been selected for a job offer by Sabrina carpenter. I really liked the way every picture you take is different and from lots of perspectives. So I have choose you to be my professional photographer. Me number is (xxx),xxx,xxx. Call me with an answer.
Love, Sabrina

"Lee!" I yell and my best friend and Kaylee walks down the stairs. "I might get a job." I say.

Lee squeals and hugs me. "I'm so proud of you, y/n/n. What is it?" She sits next to me.

I tell her how it's a personal photographer for Sabrina carpenter. I also tell her I'd have to go with her to LA and not stay at the house anymore.

"Y/n, this is your dream. You deserve it. You should take the job, I'm sure your mum will understand, plus she'll still have me." She explains and I laugh.

"Alright, let's go talk to her." Me and Kaylee run to my mums bedroom. She's siting on her bed reading one of her many books from her shelf.

Me and lee jump on the bed and laugh as we lay next to her.

"Dear, what are you two so giggly about?" Mum asks and I turn to her.

"Mum, I have a very good job offer." I tell her and she smiles.

"Really? Well, that's great." She laughs and rubs Lee's back.

"But, If I were to take it then I'd have to go to LA and travel because I'd be a personal photographer." I explain and she nods still smiling.

"We'll be okay, if that's what your worried about dear. Lee will stay here and take care of me. Not that I'm old though." I laugh.

My mum has this thing where she pretends she's like she twenty or something. I mean she still goes to the gym every day and she's really heathy.

"Okay. So I'm gonna go tell them I want the job?" I say but it comes out as more of a question.

"Yes. Go. Now." Lee shoos me away.

I go to my room and read the number before typing it in. Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hello?" A girls voice comes from the other line.

"Hi, my names y/n y/l/n." I say.

"Oh, your the photographer I picked. Hi, I'm Sabrina." She says. Her voice is beautiful. It's angelic but also soft and calming.

"So, I've decided to take that job offer. I talked to my mum and everything." I don't know why I told her that it just slipped out.

"Okay, is your mom nice?" She asks and I chuckle.

"Yeah, she's as good as they come. Got this whole belle from beauty and the beast vibe." I smile sitting in my computer chair.

"I love that movie. It's amazing." She giggles.

"Me too. But its not better than tangled." I hear her laugh and it makes me smile.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" She asks out of the blue.

"Uhm, yeah. Anything." I say a little confused and nervous.

"Does this sound good?" She asks.

Sabrina starts playing piano and humming along with a beat.

"That's it. That's all I got so far." She says after finishing.

"Wow." I say not knowing anything else. "That was amazing. I mean it was good, yeah." I say surprised.

Sabrina laughs. "Alright, well, I'm gonna go to bed but we are flying out there tomorrow to come meet you." She says yawning.

"Oh okay. That's great I'll be here." I chuckle. "Good night, Sabrina."

"Night, y/n." We hang up and I soon fall asleep thinking of the smaller blonde with a smile on my face.

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