chapter one: Moose

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SOME may have thought Amanda Wilson would have taken up a career in track considering how much running she did. Especially running away.

Currently, she was sprinting along the streets of Denver, a few assholes from school hot on her tail. Usually, not many people messed with her due to her well-known reputation of being a fighter.

But, this was Moose that was chasing her, not just any asshole. Moose was not a fighter by any means. He usually was all bark but no bite. But, after Amanda had called him a "dog fucking cocksucker" after he was giving Finney Blake a hard time, he made it his personal mission to beat the shit out of her.

"Yeah, keep running, whore!" Moose yelled, his voice harsh.

Amanda shook her head in exasperation before turning into an alleyway, trying to take a shortcut towards her house.


As soon as she stepped foot into the alley, an arm stuck out and close lined her, knocking her to the ground. Amanda groaned and squinted her eyes, trying to ignore the pain in her head.

Standing above her was Jason, one of Moose's henchmen, with a smirk on his face.

"Shit," she muttered, her eyes wide.

"Yeah that's right," Moose taunted, joining his two other friends. "Shit,"

Moose bent down over top of the girl and grabbed the front of her shirt, lifting her back off of the ground. Amanda tried to keep the fear that she was feeling off of her face while grabbing into Moose's meaty hand, trying to pry it off of her shirt.

"Get your hands off of me," she spat, trying to hide the shakiness in her voice.

"I'm gonna teach you a god damn lesson, alright?" Moose said, his voice low. "You don't fucking disrespect me,"

Moose brought his arm back and slammed his fist into Amanda's face, knocking her back into the ground. After he let go of her, the other two boys with him began kicking the girl constantly, almost knocking her unconscious.

After what felt like hours, the boys finally stopped kicking the shit out of her.

"Hope you learned your lesson," Moose muttered, spitting on the girl as he did so. "Whore,"

Amanda laid on her side, her body bruised and bloody. She didn't cry often, but this was an exception. Salty tears ran down her cheeks, mixing with the blood running down from her nose.

"Oh, shit, Mandy!"

Amanda lifted her head from the ground, watching as the infamous Robin Arellano ran over to her. When he reached her, he helped to her feet and looked over her injuries.

Robin and Amanda never used to be friends. They actually used to hate each other in middle school since they were basically the same person. But, after Amanda had come to Robins defence during a particularly violent fight, they became inseparable.

"Who did it?" he asked, anger evident in his voice.

"Robby, it doesn't matter," Amanda shook her head, trying to wipe her face as she did so.

Robin grabbed ahold of the girls arm and started to lead her away from the alley, his jaw clenched in anger. She knew he was taking her to his house, where he could clean her up a bit before sending her back to her own house.

"It was Moose," Amanda admitted, not being able to handle the anger radiating off of Robins body.

"I swear to god I'm gonna kill that piece of shit tomorrow," Robin muttered angrily.

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