late night talking

Start from the beginning

"Oh shush, it's not what you think," Jungeun mumbled, avoiding both Hyeju and Chaewon's amused stares.

Hyeju must have been feeling extra daring that evening, continuing to poke at the irritable and uncaffeinated bear. "Oh? Then what was I thinking, hm?"

Jungeun glared at her, huffing and stomping off to go recycle her empty bottle. When she returned, Hyeju and Chaewon were still there, the shorter girl pestering Hyeju about when she'd let her take her shopping to buy some colorful clothing that wasn't only black or white. It reminded her a bit of when Jungeun would drag Jinsol to the mall with her as her companion (bag-carrier, as Jinsol would grumble).

Then, a thought dawned on Jungeun as she fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. "Did Jinsol ever...mention a potential crush she had on someone?"

The question seemed to startle the two as they both stared incredulously at her before exchanging glances, silently communicating something Jungeun couldn't understand.

"Uh, maybe? Why are you asking?" Chaewon queried, tilting her head to the side.

Jungeun felt the heat creeping up her neck as she scrambled to reply, "N-No reason. I was just curious, that's all."

Unfortunately for her, Jinsol chose that exact moment to look over, meeting Jugeun's embarrassed eyes. The taller girl's face broke out into a dazzling and very much swoon worthy smile, her eyes crinkling happily at the corners. Jungeun tried her best to mask the way her face reddened like a ripe tomato and sent Jinsol a small smile in return.

Hyeju nodded slowly at her as if she didn't fully believe her, snickering at the exchange she had just watched. "Right."

Before either of the two could ask her more questions, their choreographer called them back to practice. Jungeun felt a wave of relief wash over her.

So, she told them but not me? Huh.

Jungeun didn't notice the way Jinsol's gaze lingered on her even after she had looked away.


The next couple days pass by like a blur, uneventful and Jungeun's mind being elsewhere for the majority of them, her body on auto-pilot. Some of the other members noticed, giving her concerned glances or asking if everything was okay. And to which she would respond the same. I'm alright, don't worry.

There was, of course, one specific person she secretly hoped would notice. She hoped that they watched her and noticed her subtle cues, that they had even a little bit of concern or worry for her, that they cared.

(Jinsol did.)

When a bag of takeout from her favorite chicken restaurant along with a small slip of paper with familiar handwriting taped to the top appeared in front of her bedroom door, she nearly cried. Whether it was out of tiredness or the stinging sensation in her heart because of how thoughtful Jinsol was—Jungeun wasn't sure.


Jungeun sat, curled up in the corner of the couch as she hugged one of the throw pillows—the navy one that smelled vaguely of Jinsol's perfume—tightly.

The youngest member of her sub-unit, and also the only other person around since everyone else was either in their rooms or out doing something else, pulled her eyes off the screen and looked over at Jungeun.


Jungeun bit her tongue, trying her best to make sure the words came out correctly.

"Do you think Jinsol trusts me?"

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