late night talking

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Jungeun wouldn't call herself oblivious or inattentive (she could be quite observant when she wanted to be), but looking back, she realized that she tended to be a bit out of the loop sometimes. One of those times was when Sooyoung shared some shocking news during one of their hangouts with her and Jiwoo.

"Jinsol keeps whining about how she's so sad and alone and wants a girlfriend," Sooyoung groaned, chewing on the straw of her drink. Loudly, she slurped up the remainder of her drink, and Jungeun had to physically restrain herself from rolling her eyes to the back of her skull.

Sooyoung and Jiwoo had been deep in conversation while Jungeun had been long gone and was spaced out on the creepy clown statue standing near the entrance of the burger joint they sat in.

"And so I'm like, 'why don't you just confess?', but no, she says that's not an option."

Jungeun has no idea how they had gotten to this topic when originally they had been talking about their practices and how tiring they had been lately, but she supposed she hadn't been paying the best attention.

"Huh? What? Jinsol-unnie likes someone?" Jungeun asked, eyes wide in surprise. She hadn't been informed of this.

Sooyoung and Jiwoo shared a look—as if Jungeun was being kept from some big secret that everyone else in the world knew—before turning back to Jungeun with odd expressions on their faces.

"O-Oh yeah, she didn't tell you?" Sooyoung asked, seemingly trying to suppress a smirk. What was that all about?

"No? Jiwoo, did you know about this?" Jungeun looked over at her best friend expectantly, who only shrugged sheepishly in response. Jungeun rolled her eyes. "Unbelievable. I'm texting her right now."

Jungeun quickly unlocked her phone and clicked on her thread of messages with the older girl, typing in a quick message. There were many things she wanted to ask, but she decided to go with a blunt 'you like someone?' to which Jinsol soon replied with a single unhelpful zipper-mouth emoticon.

Jungeun sighed in defeat, shutting off her phone. "Of course she says that."

Now that the idea was planted in her head, Jungeun was determined to find out where Jinsol's affections lay. She blamed it on her stubbornness and Jinsol for being so cryptic and mysterious with her response, definitely not the heavy feeling of dread pooling inside her stomach.


"Alright, let's take a five minute break before running through it one more time," their choreographer called out, clapping her hands together resolutely.

Jungeun sauntered off to the side to grab her water bottle, leaning against the wall to give her knees some relief. She let her eyes drift as she hungry finished the remaining water in the disposable plastic bottle, her gaze landing on the trio of members born two years before her. Haseul and Sooyoung were huddled around Jinsol, poking at her and saying something that caused the blonde to redden and swat at them.

Jungeun chuckled at the sight. She found it amusing how easily flustered Jinsol could get despite being one of the main people who teased those around her.

Suddenly, a face popped up right in front of her, startling her and blocking her view. There was a smug grin tugging at the corners of the offender's lips.

"Whatcha' looking at?"

Jungeun nearly leaped out of her skin, trying her best not to scream. "Wha— Hyeju?!"

The tall girl laughed loudly, squeezing the shoulder of the short redhead whom she'd dragged along with her to bug Jungeun.

"You should have seen the look on your face!" Jungeun rolled her eyes, wondering if this was the appropriate time to bring up her furry tendencies. "But anyway, what were you even looking at? You were making this weird face." Hyeju made a pinched expression, imitating Jungeun. The younger girl followed her line of sight before landing on the focus of her attention, her eyebrows shooting up nearly to her hairline and an annoyingly knowing smirk adorning her face.

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