chapter fifteen

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I gave Finney some space to calm down for a bit while I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I questioned laying my head back against the wall  

"Hey (y/n) what's happening?"

"R-Robin" I choke out a bit gripping the phone tightly in my grasp. Finney perk up walking over to my side leaning close to hear him. I could feel tears escaping from my eyes as I held the phone out for both of us to hear.

"Hey Buddy, don't cry" he said to Finney as he quickly wiped away at his tears.

"I'm not" 

"Yes, you are I can see you both" 

"You can?"

"I'm with you. I've been with you this whole time"

"You have?"

"a man never leaves his friends behind my dad didn't leave his buddies behind when he went to Nam that's why he didn't come home and I'm not coming home either and I'm not going to leave you both behind"

"we'll all be together again soon" 

"Fuck that you ain't gonna go like I did"

"I've tried everything nothing working and (y/n) is already giving up hope" he was right it was no use now getting out of here, but I didn't want to die like this I want to get out of here still maybe even fight back.



"no he's right Finney we still have one more option" 

"Do you remember what I told you that day in the bathroom?"

"That we were all going to see Texas chainsaw massacre we did-"

"Before that" 

"That someday I have to stand up for myself?"

"Someday is today, Finn today the day you stop taking shit from anybody"

"I'm not a fighter like you Robin or (y/n). you couldn't even take him"

"You always been a fighter Finn that's what we all had in common why we were friends you were always afraid to throw a punch, but you always knew how to take one and you always got back up every time"

"I'm not strong enough"

"You have to be you two are getting out of here if you can't do it for you do it for me and her"

"What does it matter?"

"Because I don't want to die for nothing I want to at least die for a friend and because I can't kill that hijo de puta you have to do it for me"


"you're gonna use a weapon the phone in your hand fill the receiver with dirt pack it in tight give it some heft "

"Then what?"

"Then practice over and over you raise the phone take a fast step back step forward step back and swing" Robin said as Finney started reapting the motions like he said to do for a awhile until he stops. "Now fill the phone with dirt like I told you"

"Will I still be able to talk to you?"

  "This was the last call Finn It's all you from here on out"

"I miss you Robin"

"Then get out for me use what we gave you, hand the phone over to (y/n) I need to tell her something" 

"I will"

"Bye Finn"

"Bye Robin" Finney said handing the phone back over to me. I took it walking to the corner Rasing the phone up taking a shaking breath.

"Robin I-I'm sorry I never came down here before" I whisper shaking a little kicking my shoe into the ground looking up to the ceiling tears threatening to spill.

"(y/n) It isn't your fault all that matter is you two are getting out of here alive, but you have to promise me something" 

"What would that be?" 

"Tell Finney how you feel incase if the plan fails" 

"I will" I mumble using the sleeve of my shirt wiping my eyes. 

"Bye (y/n) 

"Bye Robin" I said putting the phone back walking away into the bathroom sitting down covering my mouth. Finney took the phone cord snapping it in half grabbing some dirt pushing it into the phone checking it a few times. I had a plan up my sleeve from the other escape attempt that he made. I took the grid from the window dropping it into the hole covering it back up with carpet while Finney was setting up a wire trap.

"Do you think will be able to make it out of here?" I suddenly ask sitting on the bed staring at Finney. he shrugged a bit at me taking a seat next to me. well, it was now or never to tell him "Finn?"

"Yes (y/n)" he asks looking to me with those big brown eyes. I felt my heart drop ready to burst out of my body. I was doing this for Robin.

"You know the first time we meet when I took your bullies down?"


"I- I had feelings for you two years ago but I was afraid to say anything because I knew you like Donna because she sweet, nice, kind all that stuff" I mumble hiding my face in the palm of my hands feeling heat light up my cheeks. everything went quiet nothing, but the sound of rain drops by the window. 

"I-I umm like you too" 

"You're just saying that" I mumble not believing his words turning my head away.

"no no no I did. three years ago, when that one night me, you and Robin were all at the grab and go Vance was being mean to you and you stood your ground before punching him" he said quickly. I laughed remembering it all how I was so tired of Vance stupid shit that I just needed to knock some sense into him.  

"But what about Donna?"

"I like her too, but she was just a crush you were something more" he said grabbing one of my hands. my heart sore through the roof. 

"When we get out of here want to go see a movie?" I ask still holding his hand in mine.

"I would like too" he said nervously still having a hold of my hand just as the door started creaking open. 

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