Day 4

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~Fushiguro's POV~

The moment I woke up, I was blinded by the morning sun. It was warm on my face but I felt something else warm next to me.

I slowly looked over and saw a sound asleep Yuji.

He looked so peaceful and silly at the same time. His hair, which he has been growing out was messier than my normal hair. His pinkish hair sort of reflecting the sunlight coming through the crack between the curtains.

I moved my hand over to his hair and moved it out of his face. He looked so adorable with his hair grown out this way.

I probably wasn't being soft enough when moving his hair because the second I took my hand away, his beautiful light brown eyes fluttered open.

"Megumi..?" He spoke, groggily. "Um, yeah?" He looked around slowly before realizing how close we were. I quickly let go of him and accidentally fell off the couch.

He looked down at me, laughing. I flustered slightly, "Oh, shut up."

"Sorry." He apologized then helped me up. "So, what do you want to do today? We have to go back to school tomorrow." I asked. He looked like he was thinking really hard about my simple question.

"Can we roller skating?" He finally asked. Was he serious? Roller skating is for wimps. Ice skating is for real men. "How about we go ice skating instead?"

He flinched at my response. "Um, I actually don't know how to ice skate." He mumbled. "This might sound weird but I was a recreational champion at ice skating so I could teach you." I responded, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Really?!" I nodded. If I could teach myself how to ice skate, how hard could it be to teach Yuji?

Answer, really hard. 

I thought that his roller skating skills might transfer over but they didn't. He fell right as he stepped on the ice. It probably took about an hour or two for him to get used the gliding on the ice while holding onto me.

~Timeskip to when they leave~

I feel pretty proud of myself for being such a good teacher. After an hour of gliding and trying to let go, he started moving his legs on his own. A while later, he was basically at my level, maybe a bit lower.

We had something to eat while we were there but I noticed that it was getting dark so we decided to leave. We stopped by a boba shop. I got coffee boba and Yuji got green tea boba.

When we got home, we took showers then went to his room and played board games and card games all night long.

Honestly, today was a good day. I really good day.

Word Count: 462

~Sorry if this chapter was shorter than the others, I just had no idea what to write~

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