Sleeping Habits with Rui

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It's the weekend (Saturday, to be exact), which means we have freetime!

A/N: I like to imagine they have practice 3 days of the week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That means no practice on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or Sunday. Just wanted to clear that up of you got confused with that weekend line! Oh and we've been in Tsukasa's pov for quite some time, haven't we? I've been thinking of writing this from someone else's pov... I'll let you know when I do! why am i writing this like people are gonna see it.
Anyways, back to the story!
I've been meaning to ask Rui if he wanted to go to... actually, I forgot. (author actually forgot where they were supposed to be. sorry...) Lately, I have been tired. I haven't really been my usual loud self, and I don't know why. I've been sleeping properly and I know that. Saki has actually been seeing me nod off earlier than usual. And the rest of the troupe is starting to notice this too. I don't want to worry them, but I can't think of a way to change what's happening right now. So, I decided to ask someone how to get better at sleeping. Someone who can relate to my problems.
"Hey, Rui?"
"Yes, Tsu-Tsu?"
Uhm... Tsu-Tsu? That woke me right up.
A/N: this was tsukasa's expression when he heard Tsu-Tsu:
"Oh, do you not want me to call you that? Sorry-"
"...cute name...cute..."
"So you do like it? I'm glad. Would you, perhaps, like it if I kept calling you by that name?"
"Yes, please."
I think I answered too quickly, but hey, he's gonna keep calling me that.
"Okay then. It's settled, your new nickname is Tsu-Tsu! So, what did you call me for?"
"Well, I've been sleeping properly, but I still feel tired most of the day after waking up. Sleeping just isn't really doing the trick. And I thought since your sleeping pattern is kinda backwards but not as twisted as Akito's sister's, yet don't seem tired at all and don't even have any eyebags, I thought I could ask you!"
"Are you insulting me or asking for help? That was really confusing."
"Do you have a way for me to not be tired after sleeping properly?"
"Tsu-Tsu, this isn't normal. I stay up until like 2 am doing random stuff, therefore I have a reason to be tired but I'm not. You're getting proper sleep and you're still tired."
"Saki said she's seen me dozing off earlier than usual, and sometimes I fall asleep in the middle of doing my homework."
"Are you sure this isn't something you should get checked out? It doesn't seem normal."
"Maybe I could try going to bed earlier? Maybe 8:30 isn't for me."
"Try 7:30 or 7 pm. If that doesn't work out, then please tell someone, like Saki or your parents. I'm sure they'll know what to do."
"Okay... thank you, Rui. Love you."
"You're very welcome, Tsu-Tsu. I love you too."
i want salt and vinegar chips.
So I never got to invite Rui out to the place I wanted to go. So what? I'm sure I can find another place. But this time I'm writing it down and placing it on my nightstand. Anyways, I'm gonna take a nap. That's also something Rui suggested doing. Taking a nap. Go listen to this from someone else's pov.

Rui's pov:

I'm really nervous. I never really had friends, let alone a boyfriend. I'm not sure how I'm gonna make this work, but I will. I love Tsu-Tsu and if I keep speaking I'm gonna sound really gay and cringey. Not that I mind the gay part, I do mind the cringey part.
...see what i mean?

"Hey, Rui?"
"Yes, Nene?"
"You and Tsukasa are starting to act, like, really close. You guys have started talking a LOT more than usual, you've been hanging out with just each other way more, and I've seen you kiss him a few times, too."
"And you're pointing this out because...?"
"Because I want to ask if you guys are dating."
"I don't know if he'd want me to tell you that."
"Is that a yes, or...?"
"I guess so, yeah."
"Oh, okay. I don't really have a problem with it, just don't let it get in the way of practice. Okay?"
"You're starting to sound like the director here. Heh. Got it, Director Kusanagi!"
"Please stop."
I totally did that on purpose, to make her embarrassed. Anyways, Tsu-Tsu is sick today, and said he was gonna take a nap. I want to take care of him, so I'll visit him later today after school. I also think practice is canceled today because he is our troupe leader. Can't really do anything without him. Oh, gotta get to class.

At lunch cause I'm dumb

"Where is Tsukasa-kun?"
"Oh, right. She doesn't know."
"Unfortunately, Tsuuuukasa-kun is sick." (He was about to say Tsu-Tsu)
"Unfortunately? It's amazing not having to hear him shout about himself. He's so loud-"
"Ow! What was that for?"
"For talking s*** about our troupe leader."
It was for talking s*** about my boyfriend.
"*gasp* Miku-chaaan!"
Miku and Emu hug each other tightly.
"How was your practice yesterday?"
"It was really good! There was a part where MEIKO went boom-sha-la-la, and I went sparkly-zoom-blast!" (bare with me, idk what im typing either)
"Wow!! It seems like you guys are all ready for the show!"
"Yup, yup! I think we're ready to go too! Do you guys wanna see it?"
"Of course. Oh, if you're wondering where Tsukasa-kun is, he's sick."
"Aw! Tell him I said get better! And when he is, he can come see our show with you guys!"
"How sweet of you, Miku! Alright, I'll make sure to tell him once I get to see him."

After school because I can't think up anymore lunch period stuff

I decided to tell Tsu-Tsu I was gonna visit.

your lovely director rui
3:34 PM
Tsu-Tsu, I'm gonna come and visit you. I'll bring something to help you feel better, okay?

3:36 PM
Tsu-Tsu? I know you said you were going to take a nap, but does a nap really take an entire school day?

3:41 PM
Hey, are you there?

3:44 PM
I'm coming over right now.

I am deeply concerned. He isn't answering. He should've been awake by now. Saki should be there taking care of him. Or at least his parents. But what if he told them he was gonna be fine? And now this is happening. This might be an overreaction, sure. But 10 minutes of waiting for an answer? I'm not gonna stand for that. I just want to see...

The first thing I see is Tsu-Tsu on the couch, looking like he's been suffering this entire time.
A/N: the entire time you're in Rui's pov, he's not gonna stop calling Tsukasa Tsu-Tsu. I'm not letting go of it. 🙃

"Rui? Is tha tou?" (This isn't a spelling mistake, I imagine that he can't really pronounce words when he's this sick)
"Are you okay?! You look so pale..."
"I feel super warm and I can't move."
"Uh, I think my mom goh held up at work, Saki ha to help some of her clahhmates with their homework, an my dad is foing grocery sopping." (okay, the foing was an actual mistake lolz)
"Okay, I'm gonna go get you some water and a cold compress. Stay right here." (I think it was compress, not sure)
"Still can't move."
"Keep not moving."
After I gave Tsu-Tsu his water and cold compress, I carried him up to his bedroom. I could totally tell he was flustered. He sucks at hiding his feelings when he's healthy, but he's way worse at it when he's sick. After I placed him on his bed, I cleaned up the couch and the coffee table. I hate cleaning, but Tsu-Tsu deserves a clean living space. Which is why it's also probably not a good idea to bring him to my place. Most of it is clean because of my mom. But my room... would stand out if I left the door open regularly. I used to leave it open, but my mom had friends over lots of the time. Whenever they were there, she told me to close my bedroom door because she knew I was not going to clean that s*** the f*** up. Then, I kinda just started closing it normally. I never left it open since then. Sometimes my mom will open the door and then leave it open. And then I either say "Could you close the door, please?" Or I get up and close it myself.
"Ruui?" Tsu-Tsu yelled from his room.
"Can you stay in my room with me?"
"...y-yeah. Sure. I'll get there as soon as I finish cleaning."
"Rui? CLEANING? This day is filled with surprises! Ow."
"Shut up! Also, try not to be too loud. It might hurt your throat."
I hated that I stuttered, but it was weird. I don't normally stutter, so why did I? Anyways, I spent the rest of the day in Tsu-Tsu's room. Then I woke up on his desk. Dang it.
"Hm? ...oh s***."
I had a bunch of texts from my mom wondering where I was. I answered her and told her I was okay. After that, Tsu-Tsu woke up and realized what happened.
"I'm sorry, you fell asleep in here on my account."
"No worries there. At least I did what you wanted, right? I stayed in here with you."
"Heh. You always seem to see the bright side of things."
Then he gave me a peck on the forehead, which made me feel very happy. :)
"Well, in any case, good morning."
"Good morning, Tsu-Tsu."
1710 words. I'm surprising myself!

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