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"'Cause I'm just a girl, I'd rather not be
'Cause they won't let me drive late at night
Oh, I'm just a girl, guess I'm some kind of freak
'Cause they all sit and stare with their eyes
Oh, I'm just a girl, take a good look at me"


Song featured this chapter,

[Just A Girl
No Doubt]

It was finally morning and another day in Japan, you leaped out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. You took your time since you had woken up early enough to do so. Getting out of the shower you dried your hair and went downstairs for breakfast. You quickly ate as your grandmother explained everything that you needed at the store.

You took the list from her hands and kissed her goodbye as you left. Walking out the door you were following the directions that your grandma told you to go. Making it there pretty quicking you grabbed a shopping basket zooming down the aisle.

After grabbing everything you needed you remembered she had said to get two things for yourself if you had liked. You looked at the candy on the shelves and backed up to get a better view, then proceeded to bump into someone. You looked behind you to see the middle aged man who'd refused to help you last night.

"watch it bitch"

"How mature of the 30 year old of picking on the 18 year old."

He was dumbfounded by your comment and mumbled something under his breath you couldn't hear.

"You realize I'm 18 also?"

You the same as he was seconds ago, dumbfounded.

"Wait what"

"Yes dumbass"

He pushed you out of the way and left the store. You finally picked out your candy and drink, you checked out and left the store. Making your way home you opened the door to an empty home. Since your grandparents were running the shop you were suppose to join them soon after.

You quickly put the groceries in their correct places and changed into your work uniform that your grandparents gave you. You ran out of the house to the shop not far from there.

Slowing down your steps as you reached the entrance you pushed open the doors and made your way inside. You put your hair up into a military bun and started taking orders. Even though it was a small town the cafe was pretty popular with the locals and tourists alike.

You give the orders to another worker who your grandparents had hired. His name was Saitama or something along those lines he was around 25 years old and pretty helpful. You ran around the cafe until you heard your name being called to the back.

"Y/n dear could you make the desserts and I'll take orders?"

"Of course I'll be right there"

You went into the back and started carefully preparing the dorayaki and other desserts in the back. After a little while the cafe had finally calmed down. You had sat down for a break since your legs ached and wished for rest.

Since the shop closed early on Sundays you had the rest of the day free. You were about to go rest in your room for a bit you felt a tap on you shoulder.

"Y/n I've made plans for us tonight to eat with our neighbors"

"Sounds good to me I'll go get dressed"

You quickly changed out of your work uniform and put on nicer clothes. You walked down stairs to see your grandparents already waiting for you with a plate in hand.

"What's that?"

"Just some cake for the neighbors, it's a gift"

You nodded your head in realization and made your way out the door following them. You were exhausted from earlier and didn't realize which house you had gone to. You walked onto the front steps as your grandma in front of you knocked on the door. A middle aged woman open the door with a smile.

"Welcome! It's wonderful to have you over"

You walked in the house and leaned closer to your grandmother.

"How do we know this family"

"We've been long time friends of the Kujos, you use to play with their son when you were younger"

You tried to think back in your memories, you vaguely remembered a younger boy with black hair. He was really sweet and had bright teal eyes, it was going to be weird to see him again.

"Y/n it's been so long, you've gotten so big!"

The lady who you now remember her name was Holly, brought you into a big hug. Stunned for a second, but then almost immediately hugged her back. She then yelled for someone in the back of the house.

"Papa, Jotaro come over here the guests have arrived!"

"Jotaro.. that name rung a bell"

You were lost in your thoughts until you saw an older man walk in the room. He smiled and waved then sat down.

"Papa where is Jotaro?"

"I'm not sure, I think your going to have to go get him"

Holly walks into the back of the house and comes back dragging her son out of the room. Your heart dropped as you saw who it was.

"This is going to be a fun night"


Hey, might not be updating as much. I'm starting school Tuesday. I'm a bit nervous I suppose, but I know it'll probably be fine. How have you all been with school starting?


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