Cowboy au | Kaeya x M!Reader

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Gender: M! Reader

Pairing(s): Kaeya x Reader

Warning: Cowboy au / rdr2 inspired type thing, Kaeya might be ooc since I dunno much about him

Summary: When a lone rider stumbles upon a beaten-up-looking Kaeya, deciding to take pity on him he helps the rough-looking man.

Words: 933

A/N: Have to admit not my best works, kinda despise it but some people told me they liked it so I kept it up on tumblr 

Fem aligned dni

[Not edited or checked]


The sun was beating down on the poor dark-skinned guy as he lays up against a large oak tree, bloody and beaten after a group of thieves ambushed him. While trying to fight them off his horse got spooked in the commotion bucking him off the saddle and sending him flying onto the ground, the thieves took advantage of that beating him to a pulp and stealing all his shit.

The sound of someone approaching where he lies was heard in the distance, with what little energy he has Kaeya looks over to see a massive cloud of sand and dust kicking getting closer to him. 'Must be a damn big horse if it's making all that big of an impact on the ground.' The battered man was indeed correct as a huge Percheron horse came from the smoke, its black coat shining in the sun as the muscles shifted with the power of its canter.

Kaeya could not see too much of the rider but all he knows is that with the horse and the outfit the cowpoke wears it looks like the grim reaper is coming for him. He closes his eyes hoping that the rider will just pass and not try to rob him as he has nothing left, his stupid Arabian horse ran off like the pussy it is. Much to his dismay, the cowboy stops right in front of him, how can he tell? The clunking of the colossal horse's feet is so loud that he can feel the dust blowing into his face and into his nose almost making him go into a coughing fit.

"Hey mister, you don't look so good..." A gentle but rough voice calls out to him as he opens one eye, the other covered by an eye patch. A deep county accent carries with the man in front of him, the cowboy's (s/c) skin gleams as the sun is right behind him making him look like an angel. Kaeya looks up and down the rider, a black mask donning his face along with a rugged hat. The rest of his outfit consists of red, black, and white, an pistol sits on top of a wonderfully made vest that looks mighty pricely.

A gloved hand snaps its fingers in front of his face, as he registered that the cowpoke jumped down and is now waving a hand in front of the dark-skinned man's face. "Howdy! Did you hear me, sir? Are you alright??" The ringing in his ears now dimming down a bit, as he shakes his head a meager 'no' as a response. Kaeya thinks that if he talked his voice would come out as barely a whisper.

A worried look flashes on the cowboy's face pacing before him, the (s/c) hand wiping sweat off his eyebrow. "I- I can't just leave a man here-" the man in dark clothes quickly spins back around to face Kaeya. "Do you have a horse? What happened? Are you dying?" He begins to nervously ramble off questions that beat his brain, blue eyes just staring at him. If Kaeya could laugh without hurting his bruised ribs then he would be dying on the floor seeing as such an intimidating man can be acting like such a softie.

"OH, I SHOULD PROBABLY GET YOU SOMETHING TO DRINK!" The man grabs a flask from his belt and holds it up to Kaeya's face, helping him drink down the last of the water. After waiting for a little, the dark-skinned man finally seems to get ahold of his voice. "Got robbed.. by a few scums and my stupid horse ran for the hills somewhere." (Y/n) nods, as he looks over to the direction where Kaeya shakily points his finger talking about the path his mount went. "Ah, I can go get 'em for ya' what does your horse look like?" (Y/n) ask, his eyes shifting back to the gruesome-looking guy in front of him. "He is an um-" A cough rattles the man, quickly moving his right arm to wrap around his ribs trying to rub the pain quickly away. "Sorry, he's a black roan arabian, he scares easily so it might be a hassle catching him though."

An overconfident smile makes its way onto the rider, as he let's out a rough chuckle. "Well, you ain't nev'a seen me and my boy in action. I can catch just 'bout anything." He walks forward and hoists his arms carefully around Kaeya holding him in a bridal position, making sure not to hurt him as he walks closer to his draft stallion. "Wait- wait what are you doing?" Kaeya speaks up quickly, his arms finding themselves around the other's neck tightly. "Well, I ain't gonna leave ya here am I?" He boosts Kaeya up onto his mount, soon hoisting himself up behind him. His arms reach around Kaeya's waist grabbing his horse's reins, his chin resting lightly over Kaeyas shoulder and arms barely laying upon the other's hips. "Alrighty bud, go!" He whips the reins, faintly tapping the edge of his boots against his percherons side, yanking his horse's head to the way Kaeya pointed to. "By the way sir, I'm (y/n) and this is my bud Gale" (Y/n) speaks up, not wanting to be riding with someone who doesn't even know his name. "Kaeya, my name is Kaeya.." A little sly smile makes its way onto Kaeya's face as he leans back onto the chest of the other, his pecks feel like plush feeling better than most pillows Kaeya ever has had.

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