(𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙞 𝙊𝙪𝙜𝙖𝙞)--𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙁𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙎𝙪𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙮

Start from the beginning

And you were going to use that to your advantage.

You quickly dashed behind him and held a dagger to his throat.

"Hey there, old man." You said.

"Ah. I had been expecting you."

His comment made you taken aback, not expecting those words to come out of his mouth. He took advantage of your confused state and elbowed you in the stomach. Hard. Causing you to shrivel up due to the pain. He quickly grabbed the dagger from your hands and slashed your arm, causing you to hiss from his sudden action.

He quickly and efficiently kicked you in the head in your pained and overwhelmed state. The next thing you knew, you were falling to the ground and fast. You knew you couldn't catch yourself, and your body felt like it was paralysed. You felt yourself his the ground with a thud.

And then everything went black.


When you woke up, the first thing you felt was a sharp pain in your head, arm, and stomach.

Your eyes felt heavy, yet you managed to open them anyways. You were being chained to a wall in metal handcuffs. The room was dimly lit, and somewhat of an eyesore.

You kept feeling the stinging pain in your arm where he slashed you, looking at your arm, you noticed it was bandaged up. Your eyebrows furrowed. You also felt something of your forehead. What is bandages as well?

"I'm gonna die here aren't I? Ugh. I wanted to go out a much cooler way. Well, beggars can't be choosers. Hopefully someone comes in here quickly so they can finish the job." You told yourself out of boredom.

"No one is going to kill you. At least not yet." A familiar yet unfamiliar voice said.

Your eyes quickly darted to the sound of the voice, only to come face to face with the man you were trying to kill. What luck you have.

"Oh god. Why are you here?" You rolled your eyes.

"Well, you were the person who was trying to kill the head of the port mafia, yes? I think you knew what you were getting into by trying to kill me."

You rolled your eyes yet again and cocked your head to the side, not bothering to answer him.

"Well, now that that's set aside. I would like to recruit you to the port mafia."

You quickly turned to face him in surprise, to which he chuckled to. "You have potential. And considering you did try to kill someone as powerful as me, I'd say you have guts. I know you are a trained assassin, rusty in various places, but those flaws can all be fixed."

"Aw shucks. So many nice words for lil' old me?" You said sarcastically. He chuckled again.

"And you have a sense of humour. You'd make a fine member of the port mafia."

"And if I refuse your offer?" You asked curiously.

His face darkens just the smallest bit. "I think you'll find that the offer of giving you will it be one you will refuse."

"I'll have you know that I have my own organisation that I'm apart of. That's not something I'm willing to abandon so easily."

As you said that, the memories at the organisation you worked for spiralled in the back of your mind. Sure, you were loyal as hell to them, but they tested you horribly. Ruthless training that never seemed to end, people talking down to you constantly. And if you ever failed a mission, harsh training wouldn't be the only thing as your punishment, it would be so bad as abuse that could on for hours, days even. If they find out that not only had you failed to kill your target, but you also got kidnapped by him too, things would not end very well for you.

"I beg to differ. I've looked into the organisation you work for. They don't treat you very well, do they?"

You looked away, not wanting to answer him.

"I'm sure once they figure out what has been going on, they might not be most willing to leave you alive. So why don't you join me? You can be my personal assistant. Your training won't be has harsh, and yet your skills with better more than they ever did at the place you work for now. You would practically be a VIP here."

Hearing his convincing words, you contemplated his offer for a moment.

"You would get a bed to sleep on, delicious food, no punishments for making mistakes, and you get to hang out with me." He told you the last part with a smirk on his face, his body getting closer to yours. Your face turned the lightest shade of red. Sure, he was fine as fuck, but hanging out with him 24/7 seemed like torture with his attitude.

But your life could be so much better here.

You looked at him again. "How do I know you're telling the truth. You're the leader of the most ruthless organisation in Japan. You're bound to be a pathological liar."

"Ha. I was wondering if you were going to ask me that. I can show you around, help you see what your potentially new life could be like. And if you decide that you don't like it here, you are free to walk out the door."

That was a pretty convincing offer. "Fine. I'll join this stupid mafia place thingy." You mumbled.

"Wonderful. Now, to get you out of these chains so we can begin the wonderful tour!"

He held up a key and unlocked the handcuffs, freeing your wrists. Then, his face came dangerously close to yours. You could feel his finger tracing your jawline.

"I think you're going to have a wonderful time here."

𝔸𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕡𝕤𝕪(𝑏𝑠𝑑 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠)Where stories live. Discover now