(Oh, God, What Have I Done?)

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SUICIDE TW stay safe guys

Nighttime had approached faster than I thought. Satanick's now lying down on the couch as he were at a therapy session, talking to himself. Ready for bed, I find him yet again in a distressed state in the living room. Why is this happening now? How come all these emotions were piled up before? Trying to ignore such thoughts, I ask Satanick what he's up to before laughing at his state.
"In therapy, huh? Lord, you even wore your special suit too!"

He had a blood-red suit with swirly patterns on it and a customised black tie with the letter S on it. He's just lying on the couch, what's so important?

"I'm going to bed, Satanick. Love you, don't stay up too late!" Before walking off, I felt his arms around my waist.
"...! Hahah, I won't stay up too late. Love you to the Moon and back." Blessing me with the most passionate kisses, he let go of me before yelling; "Check under your pillow!!"
I continued to ponder what special occasion it could be.

I lifted my pillow to find a pistol. That is all.
I suddenly hear a thud from the living room.

"Satanick!!!" Picking up my newly-earnt, beloved gun, I ran to the living room in a traumatised state. "Are you--?!"

"You thought I died? Hahah, you're so silly sometimes." He rubbed my head as I fell onto my knees in relief.
"You think I'd want to kill myself?"
"Well, hahah.. sort of, I g-"
"You'd be right."

I felt my heart drop. "What..?"
"Shoot me."
I felt my heart drop. "What..?"
"You heard me, no? Shoot me."

"N-!" He forcefully grabbed the pistol from my hands and pointed it towards his chest. "See what I'm doing? It's very much what you may think it is."

Before I could finish my words, I was blinded by some light. My ears were ringing from the impact. It was all so sudden, not even a proper goodbye, or thank you, or anything..! I kept my eyes shut, refusing to believe it.

"No... nonononononono..! No!! NO!!"
"Why... what did I do? Why me?!"

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