Intro Characters-1

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Myra Dovahkin

The High Princess of Skyrim


Known as Queen of Dragons

Looks: Body is that of a nord. Has white-ish sivler colored hair that is extremely long, even when put into a high-ponytail; bangs are spiky and layered{like pic}. Skin is a milky white like the moon light. Eyes always have black eyeliner, normal{American} eye shaped; but while looking into them, looks like a galaxy. Eye color is royal blue with mixture specks of violet and white.

Status: Helped saved Skyrim from Aldwin. Has mastered all classes at the winterhold school and is the first advisor at the school.

Has a birthday the day after Harry Potter and is the same age as Harry when transferred to Hogwarts.

Even though looks like a nord has abilities from bloodlines of Dark Elves and Wood Elves.
Dark Elves: Heals quickly if harmed by fire.
Wood Elves: Can speak to animals

Other abilities: Can fully understand Dragon language

Pets: Has a Snow-Saber Cat that is full grown called Barbus

Named him after the derdra dog that she helped get back to his master.

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