Chapter 3

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The fold out table in his private office was set, the
food was ready to serve, and Talon Karrde was just pouring the wine when the tap came on his door. As always, his timing was perfect.
"Mara?" he called.

"Yes,"the young woman's voice confirmed throughthe door.
"You asked me to join you for dinner."

"Yes. Please come in."
The door slid open, and with her usual catlike grace, Mara Jade walked into the room.

"Imperials?" Anakin asked.

"Doubt it. I would say either traders or smugglers," Obi-Wan replied.

"You didn't say what-" her green eyes flicked to the elaborately set table "-this was all about," she finished, her tone just noticeably different. The green eyes came back to him, cool and measuring.

"No, it's not what you're thinking," Karrde assured her, motioning her to the chair opposite his. "This is a business meal--no more, no less."
From behind his desk came a sound halfway between a cackle and a purr.
"That's right, Drang a business meal,"Karrde said, turning toward the sound.
«Come on, out with you."
The vornskr peered out from around the edge of the desk, its front paws gripping the carpet, its muzzle close to the floor as if on the hunt. "I said out with you;"Karrde repeated firmly, pointing toward the open door behind Mara. "Come on, your dish has been set up in the kitchen. Sturm's already there -chances are he's eaten half your supper by now."

"That' interesting creature?" Anakin said, not exactly sure of what he was looking at. He grabbed the datapad in front of him to search for more information on these animals, but his former master was fast to act on it.

"Animals from Myrk, Anakin," he said sharply.
Anakin knew that tone. He didn't have to turn to know that Windu was closely watching him. He turned to Obi-Wan. "Yes, Master."
Clearly, anything related to Myrk was a touchy subject around council members. He made a mental note to research it thoroughly when given the chance, but for now he put away the datapad and focused his attention back to the screen.

Reluctantly, Drang slunk out from behind the desk, cackle/purring forlornly to himself as he padded toward the door. "Don't give me that poor-little-me act," Karrde chided, picking a piece of braised bruallki from the serving dish. "Here this should cheer you up."
He tossed the food in the general direction of the
doorway. Drangs lethargy vanished in a single coiled-spring leap as he snagged the mouthful in midair.
"There," Karrde called after him. "Now go and enjoy your supper."
The vornskr trotted out. "All right," Karrde said,
shifting his attention back to Mara. "Where were we?"

"You were telling me this was a business meal," she said, her voice still a little cool as she slid into the seat across from his and surveyed the table. "It's certainly the nicest business meal I've had in quite a while."

"Well, that's the point, really," Karrde told her, sitting down himself and reaching over to the serving tray.
"I think it's occasionally good for us to remember that being a smuggler doesn't necessarily require one to be a barbarian, too."

"I was right, they're smugglers," Kenobi quickly said.
"I'm also guessing it's the group Solo and that smuggler were talking about."

"In the cantina?" Anakin asked and he nodded in response.

"Ah," she nodded, sipping at her wine.
"And I'm sure most of your people are so very grateful for that reminder."

Karrde smiled.

"Well, if he thought that the unusual setting and scenario would throw her off balance, he was wrong," Anakin commented,  looking closely to the woman on screen. She seemed to be Leia's age, if not a bit younger.

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