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"I WANT HER DEAD?!" The blonde women screamed to her father.

"H..Honey please calm down-


"And don't worry honey I've hired just the right man for the job.." he said

"Ugh is it that lame pussy cat" the blonde said as she rolled here eyes.

"The name's Chat Noir you'd do better then to disrespect me..." the shadow in the corner said

The blonde and Mayor looked to were the voice as coming from. In the dark corner a pair of glowing green eyes could be seen.

"Ah!! Mr. Noir..please for give my daughter she just a little...bold." The mayor said

"Make sure next time she holds in that tongue of hers or else I'd be happy to remove it" the man in the shadows said darkly.

The dark figure removed himself from the corner and came into the light.

They Mayor and his daughter froze out of fear. The man had on a suit made of the dark black sky, 2 electric green eyes that could power up an entire city, his hair was as shiny as gold as if it was just made, when he smirked his pearly white teeth showed and you could practically see your reflection threw.

His body looked as if it was head crafted by the gods themselves. He was know as the Man that could seduce any women he certainly would have them begging for more.

"Now, what do you want.. and it had better be worth my time.." he said glaring at the two.

"N..Not at all Mr Noir, In fact there is someone my daughter wants to see dead."

"Really, How much is she worth?" He said walking closer

"How about 1 million dollars?"

"Wow, I don't think you've ever payed me more than 800 hundred thousand? Very well, I will need her file and everything there is to know about her." He said

"Yes. I will send you everything there is to know about her." The mayor said

"You do that, I'll be taking my leave now." The cat said as he walked toward the window but before he left the mayors (annoying) daughter spoke.

"Make sure to do your job right cat or else" she said he looked back at her and growled.

"The only reason why your still standing is because your father, say shit like that again and not even your daddy will be able to save you" he said

In a blink of an eye he was gone...

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 24, 2022 ⏰

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